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Photos of European Orchids according to Scientific Names
Epipactis ioessa Epipactis albensis 1PH2? lev=1 CT=73 CS=22 Iua=0 Hua=1 Sei=- Grp=hel j=172

Preview pict.Species, Subspecies, Variety, Forma Section Photos from
Aceras anthropophorum / Man Orchid mil CH D F GR HR I Kre P
Anacamptis / Orchid (36 Taxa + 2 Syn.)
Androrchis / Orchid (22 Syn.)
Anteriorchis / Orchid (4 Syn.)
Barlia / Giant Orchid (2 Taxa)
Calypso bulbosa / Calypso, Fairy Slipper Orchid - S
Cephalanthera / Helleborine (11 Taxa + 1 Syn.)
Chamorchis alpina / Alpine Orchid - A F I
Coeloglossum (1 Taxon + 1 Syn.)
Comperia comperiana / Komper's Orchid - Les TR
Corallorrhiza trifida / Coral-root Orchid - A D F HR I S
Cypripedium calceolus / Lady's Slipper, Ladyslipper - A D F I
Dactylorhiza / Orchid (68 Taxa + 18 Syn.)
Epipactis / Helleborine (73 Taxa + 22 Syn.)
Epipactis albensis / Elbe Helleborine hel A D
Epipactis aspromontana / Aspromonte Helleborine hel I
Epipactis atrorubens / Dark-red Helleborine atr A D F I IRL Let PL
Epipactis autumnalis / Autumn Helleborine hel I
Epipactis bugacensis / Rhone Helleborine hel CH F
Epipactis calabrica / Calabrian Helleborine hel I
Epipactis campeadorii / Spanish Helleborine hel E
Epipactis cardina / Scarlet-Red Helleborine hel E
Epipactis condensata / Eastern Violet Helleborine hel Zyp
Epipactis confusa --> Epipactis phyllanthes hel DK E F GB
Epipactis cretica / Cretan Helleborine hel Kre
Epipactis distans / Short-Leaved Helleborine hel A D E F PL
Epipactis dunensis / Dune Helleborine hel
Epipactis etrusca / Etruscian Helleborine hel I
Epipactis exilis / Slender Helleborine hel HR
Epipactis fibri / Beaver Helleborine hel F
Epipactis flaminia --> Epipactis greuteri hel A CZ HR
Epipactis garganica / Gargano Helleborine hel I
Epipactis gracilis --> Epipactis exilis hel HR
Epipactis greuteri / Greuter's Helleborine hel
Epipactis helleborine / Broad-Leaved Helleborine hel
Epipactis hispanica --> Epipactis campeadorii hel E
Epipactis ioessa / Violet-Colored Helleborine hel I
Epipactis kleinii / Small-flowered Helleborine atr
Epipactis komoricensis / Slovakian Helleborine hel A
Epipactis latina / Roman Helleborine hel I
Epipactis leptochila / Helleborine hel
Epipactis leutei / Leute's Helleborine hel A
Epipactis lusitanica / Portuguese Helleborine hel P
Epipactis maestrazgona --> Epipactis leptochila subsp. leptochila hel D DK F H
Epipactis mecsekensis / Mecsek Helleborine hel H
Epipactis meridionalis / Southern Helleborine hel I Siz
Epipactis microphylla / Small-Leaved Helleborine atr A D F HR I Kre Mal Sar Zyp
Epipactis molochina --> Epipactis distans hel A D E F PL
Epipactis moratoria --> Epipactis helleborine subsp. moratoria hel D
Epipactis moravica / Moravian Helleborine hel H
Epipactis muelleri / Mueller's Helleborine hel
Epipactis neerlandica / Dutch Helleborine hel D DK GB
Epipactis neglecta / Helleborine hel
Epipactis nordeniorum / Norden's Helleborine hel A H HR SLO
Epipactis orbicularis --> Epipactis distans hel A D E F PL
Epipactis palustris / Marsh Helleborine epa A D E GB IRL
Epipactis parviflora --> Epipactis kleinii atr E F
Epipactis peitzii / Peitz' Helleborine hel D H
Epipactis persica / Persian Helleborine hel TR
Epipactis phyllanthes / Green-flowered Helleborine hel
Epipactis placentina / Piacenza Helleborine hel
Epipactis pollinensis --> Epipactis purpurata hel D H
Epipactis pontica / Pontic Helleborine hel A
Epipactis provincialis / Provence Helleborine hel F
Epipactis pseudopurpurata / False Violet Helleborine hel SK
Epipactis purpurata / Violet Helleborine hel
Epipactis renzii / Renz' Helleborine hel DK
Epipactis rhodanensis --> Epipactis bugacensis hel CH F
Epipactis rivularis / Brook Helleborine hel HR
Epipactis sancta --> Epipactis dunensis subsp. sancta hel GB
Epipactis sanguinea / Bloodstain Helleborine hel I
Epipactis schubertiorum / Schuberts' Helleborine hel I
Epipactis sessilifolia --> Epipactis purpurata hel D H
Epipactis stellifera --> Epipactis phyllanthes hel DK E F GB
Epipactis tallosii / Tallos' Helleborine hel H HR
Epipactis thesaurensis / Monte Tesoro Helleborine hel I
Epipactis tremolsii / Tremols' Helleborine hel E F Sar
Epipactis troodi / Troodos Helleborine hel Zyp
Epipactis turcica / Turkish Helleborine hel Chi Les TR
Epipactis veratrifolia / Helleborine ver
Epipactis viridiflora --> Epipactis purpurata hel D H
Epipactis voethii / Voeth's Helleborine hel A
Epipactis youngiana / Young's Helleborine hel GB
Epipogium aphyllum / Ghost Orchid - A D
Gennaria diphylla / Two-Leaved Gennaria - P Pal Sar Ten
Goodyera repens / Creeping Lady's-Tresses - A D F PL S
Gymnadenia / Fragrant Orchid (8 Taxa + 14 Syn.)
Habenaria tridactylites / Tree-lobed Habenaria - Ten
Hammarbya paludosa / Bog Orchid - D
Hemipilia cucullata --> Neottianthe cucullata - PL
Herminium monorchis / Musk Orchid - A D Est GB I
Herorchis / Orchid (21 Syn.)
Himantoglossum / Lizard Orchid (7 Taxa + 4 Syn.)
Leucorchis / White Orchid (2 Syn.)
Limodorum / Limodore (6 Taxa)
Liparis / Fen Orchid (3 Taxa + 2 Syn.)
Listera / Twayblade (2 Taxa)
Lysiella oligantha --> Platanthera oligantha - S
Malaxis / Bog Orchid (1 Taxon + 1 Syn.)
Neotinea / Orchid (8 Taxa + 2 Syn.)
Neottia / Bird's-Nest Orchid (1 Taxon + 2 Syn.)
Neottianthe cucullata / Pink Frog Orchid - PL
Nigritella / Vanilla Orchid (28 Taxa + 3 Syn.)
Odontorchis / Orchid (4 Syn.)
Ophrys / Bee Orchid (349 Taxa + 75 Syn.)
Orchis / Orchid (40 Taxa + 53 Syn.)
Paludorchis / Orchid (5 Syn.)
Platanthera / Butterfly Orchid (11 Taxa + 7 Syn.)
Ponerorchis cucullata --> Neottianthe cucullata - PL
Pseudorchis / White Orchid (3 Taxa + 1 Syn.)
Serapias / Serapias (31 Taxa + 5 Syn.)
Spiranthes / Lady's-Tresses (3 Taxa)
Steveniella / Hooded Orchid (2 Taxa)
Traunsteinera / Globe Orchid (2 Taxa)
Vermeulenia / Orchid (9 Syn.)


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