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Water Plants
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Alisma / Water-Plantain (3) Alismataceae / Water Plantain Fam.
Azolla filiculoides / Water Fern Salviniaceae / Floating Fern Fam. D F
Baldellia ranunculoides / Lesser Water-Plantain Alismataceae / Water Plantain Fam. D F IRL
Berula erecta / Lesser Water Parsnip Apiaceae / Umbellifers D F HR I
Blidingia minima / Lesser Grass Kelp, Green Seaweed Ulvales / Green Algae NL
Cabomba caroliniana / Carolina Fanwort, Green Cabomba Cabombaceae / Fanwort Fam. D
Calla palustris / Bog Arum Araceae / Arum Fam. CH D S
Callitriche / Water Starwort (11) Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
Cardamine / Bitter-Cress,Cuckooflower (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Ceramium / Weed (2) Rhodophytina / Red Algae
Ceratophyllum / Hornwort (2) Ceratophyllaceae / Hornwort Fam.
Chara spec1 / Brittleword, Stoneword ? Characeae / Stoneworts D
Chondrus crispus / Irish Moss, Carrageen Moss ? Rhodophytina / Red Algae Chi
Cicuta virosa / Cowbane, Water Hemlock Apiaceae / Umbellifers D
Cochlearia pyrenaica / Roundfruit Scurvy-Grass Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F
Codium fragile / Dead Man's Fingers, Green Sea Fingers Ulvales / Green Algae E NL
Colpomenia peregrina / Oyster Thief Fucaceae / Seaweeds NL
Corallina officinalis / Red Seaweed Rhodophytina / Red Algae E
Crassula helmsii / Swamp Stonecrop, New Zealand Pygmyweed Crassulaceae / Stonecrop Fam. D
Cryptocoryne / Cryptocoryne (2) Araceae / Arum Fam.
Cystoseira abies-marina / Atlantic Brown Alga ? Fucaceae / Seaweeds Cor
Dudresnaja verticillata / Red Alga ? Rhodophytina / Red Algae D S
Egeria densa / Brazilian Waterweed Hydrocharitaceae / Frogbit Fam. D
Elatine / Waterwort (4) Elatinaceae / Waterwort Fam.
Eleocharis / Spike Rush (12) Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam.
Elodea / Waterweed (2) Hydrocharitaceae / Frogbit Fam.
Enteromorpha / Gutweed (4) Ulvales / Green Algae
Equisetum x meridionale / Hybrid Horsetail Equisetaceae / Horsetail Fam. D
Fucus / Wrack (3) Fucaceae / Seaweeds
Groenlandia densa / Opposite-Leaved Pontweed Potamogetonaceae / Pontweed Fam. D
Hippuris vulgaris / Mare's Tail Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. A D
Hottonia palustris / Water Violet Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. D
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae / Frogbit Hydrocharitaceae / Frogbit Fam. D NL
Hydrocotyle / Pennywort (2) Araliaceae / Ivy Fam.
Iris pseudacorus / Yellow Iris Iridaceae / Iris Fam. D F IRL
Jania rubens / Jania Red Alga ? Rhodophytina / Red Algae Cor Sam
Juncus / Rush (3) Juncaceae / Rush Fam.
Laminaria hyperborea / Cuvie Fucaceae / Seaweeds D
Lemna / Duckweed (5) Araceae / Arum Fam.
Limosella aquatica / Water Mudwort Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam. D S
Lindernia / False Pimpernel (2) Linderniaceae / False Pimpernel Fam.
Ludwigia / Hampshire Purslane (5) Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam.
Lycopus / Gipsywort (2) Lamiaceae / Mint Fam.
Lysimachia / Loosestrife (3) Primulaceae / Primrose Fam.
Lythrum portula / Water Purslane Lythraceae / Purple Loosestrife Fam. D F
Marsilea quadrifolia / Four-Leaf Clover, Shamrock Plant Marsileaceae / Water Clover Fam. D F
Mentha aquatica / Water Mint Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D GR HR I IRL
Menyanthes trifoliata / Bogbean Menyanthaceae / Bogbean Fam. A D I
Montia / Blinks (2) Montiaceae / Montia Fam.
Myosotis scorpioides agg. / Water Forget-me-not Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. D F HR IRL
Myriophyllum / Water Milfoil (4) Haloragaceae / Water Milfoil Fam.
Najas / Najad (3) Hydrocharitaceae / Frogbit Fam.
Narthecium ossifragum / Bog Asphodel Nartheciaceae / Bog Asphodel Fam. D F GB IRL
Nasturtium / Water Cress (2) Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Nostoc pruniforme / Mare's Eggs Nostocaceae / Blue-Green Algae D
Nuphar lutea / Yellow Water Lily Nymphaeaceae / Water Lily Fam. D HR I
Nymphaea / Water-Lily (2) Nymphaeaceae / Water Lily Fam.
Nymphoides peltata / Yellow Floating-Heart, Fringed Water Lily Menyanthaceae / Bogbean Fam. D
Oenanthe / Water Dropwort (5) Apiaceae / Umbellifers
Oryza sativa / Rice Poaceae / Grass Fam. D F
Padina pavonica / Peacock's Tail Fucaceae / Seaweeds Chi E GR
Palmaria palmata / Dulse, Dillisk Rhodophytina / Red Algae NL
Palustriella commutata / Curled Hook Moss Musci / Mosses D HR
Persicaria amphibia / Water Knotweed, Willow Grass Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam. D E IRL S
Pinguicula / Butterwort (8) Lentibulariaceae / Bladderwort Fam.
Polysiphonia urceolata / Pitcher Siphon Weed ? Rhodophytina / Red Algae S
Posidonia oceanica / Seagrass Posidoniaceae / Seagrass Fam. Cor Kef Mal
Potamogeton / Pontweed (17) Potamogetonaceae / Pontweed Fam.
Ranunculus / Buttercup (7) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam.
Rhodophytina / Red Alga (15) Rhodophytina / Red Algae
Rhynchospora / Beak Sedge (2) Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam.
Riccia / Crystalwort (4) Ricciales / Crystalworts
Rorippa aquatica / Water Cabbage ? Brassicaceae / Crucifers D
Rumex / Dock,Sorrel (2) Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam.
Ruppia maritima / Ditch Grass, Widgeon Grass Ruppiaceae / Ditch-Grass Fam. NL
Sagittaria / Arrowhead (2) Alismataceae / Water Plantain Fam.
Salvinia natans / Floating Moss Salviniaceae / Floating Fern Fam. D
Samolus valerandi / Brookweed Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. Cor D F GR NL
Sargassum muticum / Japweed Fucaceae / Seaweeds NL Sam
Saxifraga aquatica / Pyrenean Water Saxifrage Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. F
Scheuchzeria palustris / Rannoch Rush, Marsh Scheuchzeria Scheuchzeriaceae / Rannoch Rush Fam. D S
Scrophularia / Figwort (3) Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam.
Shinnersia rivularis / Mexican Oakleaf, Rio Grande Bugheal Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A
Sium latifolium / Greater Water Parsnip Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D
Sparganium / Bur-Reed (5) Typhaceae / Bulrush Fam.
Sphagnum / Sphagnum,Bog Moss (13) Sphagnopsida / Bog Mosses
Spirodela polyrhiza / Greater Duckweed Araceae / Arum Fam. D S
Sporobolus anglicus / Common Cord-Grass Poaceae / Grass Fam. IRL NL
Stellaria alsine / Bog Stitchwort Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D
Stratiotes aloides / Water Soldier Hydrocharitaceae / Frogbit Fam. D
Taonia atomaria / Seaweed Fucaceae / Seaweeds HR
Tofieldia calyculata / Mountain Scottish Asphodel Tofieldiaceae / Tofieldia Fam. A D F HR I SLO
Trapa natans / Water Caltrop Lythraceae / Purple Loosestrife Fam. D F
Trichophorum / Deer Grass (2) Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam.
Triglochin / Arrowgrass (2) Juncaginaceae / Arrowgrass Fam.
Tripolium / Aster (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Typha / Bulrush (6) Typhaceae / Bulrush Fam.
Ulva lactuca / Sea Lettuce Ulvales / Green Algae NL
Ulvales / Green Algae (7) Ulvales / Green Algae
Unknown_plant spec1 / Unknown Water Plant ? {???} / {Unknown_Family} I
Utricularia / Bladderwort (3) Lentibulariaceae / Bladderwort Fam.
Vallisneria / Tape Grass (2) Hydrocharitaceae / Frogbit Fam.
Veronica / Speedwell (4) Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
Viola palustris / Marsh Violet Violaceae / Violet Fam. A D F
Wolffia / Water-Meal (2) Araceae / Arum Fam.
Zannichellia palustris / Horned Pondweed Potamogetonaceae / Pontweed Fam. D
Zantedeschia aethiopica / Calla Lily, Arum Lily Araceae / Arum Fam. Kre Rho
Zostera marina / Eelgrass Zosteraceae / Sea Grass Fam. Chi Cor D GR S Sam


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