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Photos of European Plants acc. Photo Month: January
Here the plants are listed according to the month the photo was taken within the year, which often but not always corresponds to the time of flower. Non-blooming plants as e.g. ferns and mooses, and other organisms as lichens or algae can't be selected here. Note that the blooming time of the same plant can differ by more than two months, depending on its location: near the sea or in the mountains, sunny or shadowy. Moreover there are plants which are blooming many months of the year, for which an extreme example is the Common Field Speedwell, which is in flower during almost the whole year.



Preview pict. Species, Subspecies, or Variety  Family  Photos from
Abies alba / Common Silver Fir Pinaceae / Pine Fam. D GR HR
Acer / Maple, Elder (2 Taxa) Sapindaceae / Golden-Rain Tree Fam. D
Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa / Kiwi Fruit, Chinese Gooseberry Actinidiaceae / Kiwi Fam. D
Aeonium arboreum subsp. holochrysum / Yellow Aeonium Crassulaceae / Stonecrop Fam. Ten
Aesculus hippocastanum / Horse Chestnut Sapindaceae / Golden-Rain Tree Fam. D GR HR
Alkanna hellenica / Hellenic Alkanet Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. GR
Anagyris foetida / Mediterranean Stinkbush, Stinking Bean Trefoil Fabaceae / Legumes Chi GR Rho
Anemone / Anemone (2 Taxa) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. Chi F Kre Rho Zyp
Aralia excelsa s.l. / Tall Spikenard Araliaceae / Ivy Fam. D
Arisarum vulgare / Friar's Cowl Araceae / Arum Fam. F I Kre Mal Rho Zyp
Bellevalia / Squill (2 Taxa) Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. GR Zyp
Betula pendula / Silver Birch Betulaceae / Birch Fam. D F S
Brassica cretica / Cretan Cabbage Brassicaceae / Crucifers GR Kre Sam
Bupleurum falcatum / Sickle-Leaved Hare's Ear Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D F HR
Cakile maritima / Sea Rocket Brassicaceae / Crucifers D F GR IRL Les NL Rho S Zyp
Calluna vulgaris / Heather Ericaceae / Heather Fam. D E F I IRL
Campanula andrewsii subsp. andrewsii / Andrews' Bellflower Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. GR
Canarina canariensis / Canary Island Bellflower Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. Ten
Carpinus betulus / Hornbeam Betulaceae / Birch Fam. D HR
Castanea sativa / Sweet Chestnut Fagaceae / Beech Fam. D E HR
Centranthus ruber subsp. sibthorpii / Sibthorp's Valerian Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. GR
Cetraria islandica / Iceland Moss Lecanorales / Lichens A
Cladonia caespiticia / Stubby-Stalked Clad Lichen Lecanorales / Lichens A D
Clematis / Clematis (2 Taxa) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A Chi D F GR HR
Cornus / Dogwood (2 Taxa) Cornaceae / Dogwood Fam. A D HR I
Corylus avellana / Hazel Betulaceae / Birch Fam. A CH D
Crataegus / Hawthorn (2 Taxa) Rosaceae / Rose Fam. A Cor D E
Crocus laevigatus / Winter Crocus Iridaceae / Iris Fam. Kre
Cyclamen persicum / Florist's Cyclamen Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. Chi D Rho Zyp
Cytisus scoparius / Scotch Broom Fabaceae / Legumes D F GR
Daphne laureola / Spurge Laurel Thymelaeaceae / Daphne Fam. A D E F I
Digitalis canariensis / Canary Island Foxgloves Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. Ten
Dryopteris expansa / Alpine Buckler Fern, Northern Buckler Fern ? Dryopteridaceae / Shield Fern Fam. D
Ephedra foeminea / Leafless Joint Pine Ephedraceae / Joint Pine Fam. GR Rho
Erica manipuliflora / Autumn-flowering Heath Ericaceae / Heather Fam. GR Kre
Euphorbia / Spurge (2 Taxa) Euphorbiaceae / Spurge Fam. Chi D F GR HR I Kre Mal Pal Rho Ten
Fagonia cretica / Fagonia Zygophyllaceae / Caltrop Fam. Mal Tun Zyp
Fagus sylvatica / Beech Fagaceae / Beech Fam. A D F HR I
Fontinalis antipyretica / Willow Moss, Antifever Fontinalis Moss Musci / Mosses D
Gleditsia triacanthos / Honey Locust Fabaceae / Legumes D
Gossypium hirsutum / Cotton ? Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. D
Heliotropium hirsutissimum / Hairy Turn-Sole Heliotropiaceae / Heliotrope Fam. GR Kre Les
Helleborus foetidus / Stinking Hellebore Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. D F
Lamium moschatum / Musk Dead-Nettle Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. GR Les Rho Sam
Larix decidua / European Larch Pinaceae / Pine Fam. A D F I
Lycium chinense / China Tea-Plant Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. D
Mandragora officinarum / Mandrake Solanaceae / Nightshade Fam. D GR Kre Rho Sam Zyp
Matthiola tricuspidata / Three-Horned Stock Brassicaceae / Crucifers Cor GR Les Zyp
Muscari commutatum / Dark Grape Hyacinth Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam. GR
Narcissus tazetta / Bunch-flowered Narcissus Amaryllidaceae / Amaryllis Fam. F HR Kre Rho Siz Zyp
Ocimum basilicum / Sweet Basil Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D S
Olea europaea var. europaea / Olive Oleaceae / Ash Fam. Chi Cor F GR I Kef Kre Mal Rho Sam
Parmelia saxatilis / Shield Lichen Lecanorales / Lichens D S
Passiflora caerulea / Blue Passion Flower Passifloraceae / Passion Flower Fam. D F I
Phoenix theophrasti / Cretan Date Palm Arecaceae / Palm Fam. Kre
Pinus canariensis / Canary Island Pine Pinaceae / Pine Fam. Pal Ten
Polypodium vulgare / Polypody Polypodiaceae / Polypody Fam. Cor D F NL S
Portulaca / Purslane (3 Taxa) Portulacaceae / Purslane Fam. D
Robinia pseudoacacia / False Acacia Fabaceae / Legumes D
Romulea tempskyana / Tempsky's Sand Crocus Iridaceae / Iris Fam. Rho Zyp
Rosa multiflora / Many-Flowered Rose Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D
Salix alba / White Willow Salicaceae / Willow Fam. A D F
Salvia officinalis / Common Sage Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D F GR HR
Silene latifolia subsp. alba / White Campion Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D HR I
Silphium perfoliatum / Cup Plant Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Teucrium scorodonia / Wood Sage Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D IRL
Unknown_bush spec4 / Unknown Bush ? {???} / {Unknown_Family} D
Viburnum rhytidophyllum / Wrinkled Viburnum Viburnaceae / Muskroot Fam. D
Viscum album subsp. album / Mistletoe Viscaceae / Mistletoe Fam. D



European orchids according to photo month you can find here.


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