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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Ptilostemon niveus  (C.PRESL) GREUTER     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Asteraceae / Composite Fam.  

Synon.:  Cirsium niveum  (C.PRESL) SPRENG.

Genus:  Ptilostemon  CASS.,  Cirsium  MILL.

   C.PRESL:  Carel Borivoj Presl (1794 - 1852), Bohemian botanist
   GREUTER:  Werner Rodolfo Greuter (1938 - ), Swiss botanist
   SPRENG.:  Kurt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel (1766 - 1833), German physician and botanist at Halle
   CASS.:  Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini (1781 - 1832), French botanist
   MILL.:  Philip Miller (1691 - 1771), English gardener

   Ptilostemon:   ptilon = feather, stemon = stamen
   niveus:   snow
   Cirsium:   Greek plant name, from kirsos = varicose vein (medical plant)

Ptilostemon niveus / Snowy-Leaved Chamaepuce, Sicily Ficuzza 20.4.2016 (Photo: Uwe & Katja Grabner)
Fig. 1:  Ptilostemon niveus / Snowy-Leaved Chamaepuce
Sicily, Ficuzza 20.4.2016 (Photo: Uwe & Katja Grabner)
Ptilostemon niveus / Snowy-Leaved Chamaepuce, Sicily Ficuzza 20.4.2016 (Photo: Uwe & Katja Grabner)
Fig. 2:  Ptilostemon niveus / Snowy-Leaved Chamaepuce
Sicily, Ficuzza 20.4.2016 (Photo: Uwe & Katja Grabner)
Ptilostemon niveus / Snowy-Leaved Chamaepuce, Sicily Ficuzza 20.4.2016 (Photo: Uwe & Katja Grabner)
Fig. 3:  Ptilostemon niveus / Snowy-Leaved Chamaepuce
Sicily, Ficuzza 20.4.2016 (Photo: Uwe & Katja Grabner)


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