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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Hieracium x stoloniflorum  WALDST. & KIT.     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Asteraceae / Composite Fam.  

Hybrid formula (parents):  Hieracium aurantiacum  L.  x Hieracium pilosella  L.
Synon.:  Pilosella x stoloniflora  (WALDST. & KIT.) F.W.SCHULTZ & SCH.BIP.,  Pilosella aurantiaca  (L.) F.W.SCHULTZ & SCH.BIP. x Pilosella officinarum  VAILL.

Genus:  Hieracium  L.,  Pilosella  VAILL.

   WALDST.:  Franz de Paula Adam Norbert Wenzel Ludwig Valentin von Waldstein (1759 - 1823), Austrian botanist
   KIT.:  Pál Kitaibel (1757 - 1817), Hungarian botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   F.W.SCHULTZ:  Friedrich Wilhelm Schultz (1804 - 1876), German pharmacist and botanist
   SCH.BIP.:  Carl Heinrich Schultz ('Bipontinus', 1805 - 1867), physician and botanist from the Palatinate (Germany)
   VAILL.:  Sébastien Vaillant (1669 - 1722), French physician and botanist

   Hieracium:   hawk (Greek)
   stoloniflorum:   stolonis = stolon, floris = flower
   aurantiacum:   orange colored
   pilosella:   hairy
   Pilosella:   hairy
   officinarum:   used in pharmacies

Hieracium x stoloniflorum is one of the forms, which hybrids between Hieracium aurantiacum and Hieracium pilosella can adopt, namely the ones closer at Hieracium pilosella: relatively low growing and with typically only 2 - 3 forked arranged flower heads or one single flower head in the inflorescence.
At genus Hieracium there is the tradition to name (stabilized) hybrids resp. hybrid populations differently, depending on to which of the parents they are approaching. Forms of the same hybrid combination which tend rather to Hieracium aurantiacum have Hieracium x rubrum as hybrid name.


Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 1:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 2:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 3:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 4:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 5:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 6:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 7:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 8:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 9:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 10:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 11:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 12:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 13:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 14:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 15:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 16:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 23.5.2019
Fig. 17:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 23.5.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 18:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 19:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 20:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 21:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 22:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 23:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019
Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed, D Hagen 14.6.2019
Fig. 24:  Hieracium x stoloniflorum / Hybrid Hawkweed
D Hagen 14.6.2019


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