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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Drimia numidica  (JORD. & FOURR.) J.C.MANNING & GOLDBLATT     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

APG-Fam.: Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.       Fam. tradit.: Liliaceae / Lily Fam.  

Synon.:  Urginea maritima  BAKER  var. numidica  (JORD. & FOURR.) MAIRE & WEILLER,  Charybdis numidica  (JORD. & FOURR.) SPETA,  Squilla numidica  JORD. & FOURR.

Genus:  Drimia  JACQ.,  Urginea  STEINH.,  Charybdis  SPETA,  Squilla  L.

   JORD.:  Claude Thomas Alexis Jordan (1814 - 1897), French botanist
   FOURR.:  Jules Pierre Fourreau (1844 - 1871), French botanist
   J.C.MANNING:  John Charles Manning (1962 - ), South African botanist
   GOLDBLATT:  Peter Goldblatt (1943 - ), South African botanist who is working in the USA
   BAKER:  John Gilbert Baker (1834 - 1920), English botanist
   MAIRE:  René Charles Joseph Ernest Maire (1878 - 1949), French botanist
   WEILLER:  Marc Weiller (1880 - 1945), French botanist
   SPETA:  Franz Speta (1941 - 2015), Austrian botanist
   JACQ.:  Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727 - 1817), Austrian chemist and botanist
   STEINH.:  Adolphe Steinheil (1810 - 1839), French pharmacist and botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals

   Drimia:   drimys = acrid
   numidica:   from the country of the Numidians in Northern Africa
   Urginea:   from the name of an Arabic clan in Algeria
   maritima:   from the sea
   Charybdis:   In Greek mythology the rock opposite of the Scilla (Skylla)
   Squilla:   small shrimp

For long time the Sea Squills in the whole Mediterranean and adjacent regions were taken as one species Urginea maritima, althouth it was known that the onions in different regions have different form, different color of the skin and flesh, different substances, and different chromosome numbers. In 1980 FRANZ SPETA started to launch the separation into different species:
maritima: Southern part of Iberian peninsula, parts of Morokko.
hesperia: Canarians.
maura: High Atlas in Morokko.
???: Sicily, Western Italy, parts of the Balearic islands, Northern Spain.
pancration: parts of the Balearic islands, Sardinia, Corse, Southern Italy, Malta, Libya
numidica: Big parts of Northern Africa, Egypt, parts of the Balearic islands and of Spain, parts of Southern Italy, Greece except the Aegean islands.
aphylla: From the Greek Aegean islands and Turkey to the Arabic peninsula.

Also SPETA chose the genus name Charybdis for the Mediterranian Sea Squills in 1998, while MANNING and GOLDBLATT united these with African Drimia species.


Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Preveza 6.9.2007
Fig. 1:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Preveza 6.9.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Igoumenitsa 7.9.2007
Fig. 2:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Igoumenitsa 7.9.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Parga 24.8.2007
Fig. 3:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Parga 24.8.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Parga 24.8.2007
Fig. 4:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Parga 24.8.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Parga 24.8.2007
Fig. 5:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Parga 24.8.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Igoumenitsa 7.9.2007
Fig. 6:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Igoumenitsa 7.9.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Euboea (Evia), Karistos 28.8.2014
Fig. 7:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Euboea (Evia), Karistos 28.8.2014
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Nafplion 3.9.2007
Fig. 8:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Nafplion 3.9.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, GR Nafplion 2.9.2007
Fig. 9:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
GR Nafplion 2.9.2007
Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill, Crete Preveli 3.4.2015
Fig. 10:  Drimia numidica / Mediterranean Sea Squill
Crete, Preveli 3.4.2015


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