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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Crocus exiguus  SCHUR     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Iridaceae / Iris Fam.  

Synon.:  Crocus vittatus  SCHLOSS. & VUK.,  Crocus uniflorus  SCHUR,  Crocus x fritschii  DERGANC

Genus:  Crocus  L.

   SCHUR:  Philipp Johann Ferdinand Schur (1799 - 1878), German-Austrian chemist and botanist
   SCHLOSS.:  Joseph Calasenz Schlosser von Klekovski (1808 - 1882), Austrian botanist
   VUK.:  Ljudevit Farka Vukotinovic (1813 - 1893), Croatian botanist during the Austrian-Hungarian Empire
   DERGANC:  Leodegar Derganc (fl. 1897 - 1903), Austrian botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals

   Crocus:   Greek name of Saffron
   exiguus:   small
   vittatus:   striped
   uniflorus:   one-flowered
   fritschii:   Karl Fritsch (1864 - 1934), Austrian botanist (FRITSCH)

For example in riparian forests and meadows at the Mur in Southeast Austria the Illyrian Crocus   Crocus exiguus is very frequent, but in flower very early, in february and march. It belongs to the big and heterogeneous group of the alpine Spring Crocuses Crocus vernus s.l. In some floral works (e.g. World Plants) it taken as part of the then quite large group of Crocus heuffelianus HERB. However, according to other sources, it shall have originated hybridogenically from Crocus heuffelianus and Crocus albiflorus.


Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 1:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 2:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 3:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 4:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 5:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 6:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 7:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 8:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 9:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 10:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 11:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 12:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 13:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 14:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 15:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Fig. 16:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 8.3.2024
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Fig. 17:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Fig. 18:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Fig. 19:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus, A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023
Fig. 20:  Crocus exiguus / Illyrian Crocus
A Murfeld-Lichendorf 4.4.2023


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