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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Corydalis cava  (L.) SCHWEIGG. & KÖRTE  x solida  (L.) CLAIRV.     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

APG-Fam.: Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam.       Fam. tradit.: Fumariaceae / Fumitory Fam.  

Hybrid-Name:  Corydalis x campylochila  TEYBER

Genus:  Corydalis  VENT.

   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   SCHWEIGG.:  August Friedrich Schweigger (1783 - 1821), biologist from Königsberg, today Kaliningrad (Russia)
   KÖRTE:  Heinrich Friedrich Franz (Ernst) Körte (1782 - 1845), German botanist
   CLAIRV.:  Joseph Philippe de Clairville (1742 - 1830), French naturalist
   TEYBER:  Alois Teyber (1846 - 1913), Austrian botanist
   VENT.:  Étienne Pierre Ventenat (1757 - 1808), French botanist

   Corydalis:   korydallos = Crested Lark
   cava:   hollow
   solida:   steady
   campylochila:   campylos = bended, chilos = lip

Where Corydalis cava and Corydalis solida occur together, as in the castle park at Weinheim / Bergstrasse (Rhine valley, Southwest Germany), it might be successful to look for the hybrid between both. It is stronger than Corydalis solida. The best characteristic for its identification are the intermediate bracts.


Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 1:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 2:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 3:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 4:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 5:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 6:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Fig. 7:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Weinheim an der Bergstraße 12.3.2008
Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root, D Hambrücken 29.3.2008
Fig. 8:  Corydalis cava x solida / Hybrid Hollow-Root
D Hambrücken 29.3.2008


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