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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Trifolium nigrescens  VIV.     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Fabaceae \ Schmetterlingsblütler / Legumes  

Gattung / Genus:  Trifolium  L.

Autoren / Authors:
   VIV.:  Domenico Viviani (1772 - 1840), italienischer Botaniker / Italian botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), schwedischer Naturforscher, der das binäre Benennungs-System für Pflanzen + Tiere einführte / Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants + animals

Etymologie / Etymology:
   Trifolium:   tri = drei, folium = Blatt / tri = three, folium = leaf
   nigrescens:   schwärzlich / blackish

Trifolium nigrescens ist ein weiß blühender Klee, wie es viele gibt. Er ist aber leicht an seinen verschieden großen Kelchzipfeln zu erkennen, die hinteren sind viel größer als die vorderen, besonders gut zu sehen in Fig. 5 an der linken vorderen Blüte.

Trifolium nigrescens is a white-flowering clover, like many others. But it is easy to recognize by its different sized calyx lobes, the ones at the back are much larger than the ones at the front, which is clearly visible in Fig. 5 left front flower.


Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 1:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 2:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 3:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 4:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 5:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 6:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 7:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Fig. 8:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
GR Peloponnes, Chelmos, Klitoria 23.5.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 14.4.2024
Fig. 9:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 14.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 14.4.2024
Fig. 10:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 14.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 14.4.2024
Fig. 11:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 14.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 14.4.2024
Fig. 12:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 14.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 14.4.2024
Fig. 13:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 14.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 14.4.2024
Fig. 14:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 14.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 19.4.2024
Fig. 15:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 19.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 19.4.2024
Fig. 16:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 19.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 19.4.2024
Fig. 17:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 19.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kefalonia/Cephalonia Argostoli 19.4.2024
Fig. 18:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kefalonia/Cephalonia, Argostoli 19.4.2024
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Samos Pythagorio 13.4.2017
Fig. 19:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Samos, Pythagorio 13.4.2017
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Samos Pythagorio 13.4.2017
Fig. 20:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Samos, Pythagorio 13.4.2017
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Samos Pythagorio 13.4.2017
Fig. 21:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Samos, Pythagorio 13.4.2017
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, F Col de la Bonette 8.7.2016
Fig. 22:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
F Col de la Bonette 8.7.2016
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, F Col de la Bonette 8.7.2016
Fig. 23:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
F Col de la Bonette 8.7.2016
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, F Col de la Bonette 8.7.2016
Fig. 24:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
F Col de la Bonette 8.7.2016
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Korsika/Corsica L'Ile-Rousse 24.5.2010
Fig. 25:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Korsika/Corsica, L'Ile-Rousse 24.5.2010
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Korsika/Corsica L'Ile-Rousse 24.5.2010
Fig. 26:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Korsika/Corsica, L'Ile-Rousse 24.5.2010
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kroatien/Croatia Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Fig. 27:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kroatien/Croatia, Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kroatien/Croatia Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Fig. 28:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kroatien/Croatia, Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kroatien/Croatia Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Fig. 29:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kroatien/Croatia, Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover, Kroatien/Croatia Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006
Fig. 30:  Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover
Kroatien/Croatia, Istrien/Istria, Poreč 26.5.2006


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