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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Symphytum uplandicum  NYMAN     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Boraginaceae \ Borretschgewächse / Borrage Fam.  

Hybrid-Formel (Eltern) / Hybrid formula (parents):  Symphytum asperum  LEPECH.  x  Symphytum officinale  L.

Gattung / Genus:  Symphytum  L.

Autoren / Authors:
   NYMAN:  Carl Frederik Nyman (1820 - 1893), schwedischer Botaniker / Swedish botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), schwedischer Naturforscher, der das binäre Benennungs-System für Pflanzen + Tiere einführte / Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants + animals
   LEPECH.:  Ivan Ivanovich Lepechin (1737 - 1802), russischer Arzt + Naturforscher / Russian physician + naturalist

Etymologie / Etymology:
   Symphytum:   symphyein = zusammenwachsen (Heilpflanze) / symphyein = to grow together (medical plant)
   uplandicum:   aus dem Upland, einer bergigen Region in Westfalen (Deutschland) / from Upland, a mountain region in Westphalia (Germany)
   asperum:   rau / rough
   officinale:   Arznei / medicine

Symphytum uplandicum ist eine stabilisierte Zwischenform, die aus dem in großen Teilen von Europa vorkommenden Symphytum officinale und dem aus dem Kaukasus stammenden Symphytum asperum entstand. Die Pflanzen von Eyne stehen intermedär zwischen den beiden Elternarten. Die Pflanzen von Llo tendieren stärker zu Symphytum asperum, was z.B. die abgeflachten, auf einem Sockel sitzenden Borstenhaaren zeigen. Doch andere Merkmale wie z.B. die spitzen Kelchzähne und die doch etwas am Stängel herablaufenden Blätter zeigen, dass auch hier Symphytum officinale eingekreuzt ist.

Symphytum uplandicum is a stabilized intermediate, and originated from Symphytum officinale which is available in big parts of Europe, and Symphytum asperum which has been imported from Caucasus. The plants from Eyne are intermediar between the parents. The plants from Llo are stronger tending to Symphytum asperum, what e.g. the flat hairs are showing which are sitting on a socle. But other attributes as the sharp calyx lobes and the leaves, which are slightly decurrent down the stem, are showing an influence of Symphytum officinale also in these plants.


Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Fig. 1:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Fig. 2:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Fig. 3:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Fig. 4:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 26.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Fig. 5:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Fig. 6:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Fig. 7:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Fig. 8:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Fig. 9:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Fig. 10:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Llo 25.6.2008
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 11:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 12:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 13:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 14:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 15:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 16:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 17:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 18:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 19:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 20:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 21:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey (anderer Standort / another site)
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 22:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 23:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 24:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 25:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 26:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Bochum 22.5.2018
Fig. 27:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Bochum 22.5.2018
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Mannheim 27.4.2020
Fig. 28:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Mannheim 27.4.2020
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Mannheim 27.4.2020
Fig. 29:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Mannheim 27.4.2020
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Mannheim 27.4.2020
Fig. 30:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Mannheim 27.4.2020
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 31:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 32:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 33:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 34:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 35:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 36:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 37:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Fig. 38:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Pforzheim 28.5.2014
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Eichstätt 4.6.2012
Fig. 39:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Eichstätt 4.6.2012
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Eichstätt 4.6.2012
Fig. 40:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Eichstätt 4.6.2012
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Fig. 41:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Fig. 42:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Fig. 43:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Fig. 44:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
D Sachsen-Anhalt, Hornburg 7.6.2022
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, Korsika/Corsica L'Ile-Rousse 24.5.2010
Fig. 45:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
Korsika/Corsica, L'Ile-Rousse 24.5.2010
Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey, Kroatien/Croatia Medvednica 20.7.2007
Fig. 46:  Symphytum uplandicum \ Futter-Beinwell / Russian Comfrey
Kroatien/Croatia, Medvednica 20.7.2007


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