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Plants of the Region:   Switzerland
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Aconitum napellus s.l. / Monk's-Hood Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A CH
Ajuga pyramidalis / Pyramidal Bugle Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. A CH F
Alchemilla alpina / Alpine Lady's Mantle Rosaceae / Rose Fam. CH F
Androsace obtusifolia / Blunt-Leaved Rock Jasmine Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. A CH F
Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris / Alpine Kidney Vetch Fabaceae / Legumes A CH D E F HR
Calla palustris / Bog Arum Araceae / Arum Fam. CH D S
Campanula barbata / Bearded Bellflower Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. A CH I
Cardamine heptaphylla / Pinnate Coral-Root Brassicaceae / Crucifers CH F I
Carex / Sedge (3 Taxa) Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam. A CH D F
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum / American Field Mouse-Ear Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. CH F SLO
Chaerophyllum hirsutum / Hairy Chervil Apiaceae / Umbellifers A CH D F
Colchicum bulbocodium / Spring Meadow Saffron Liliaceae / Lily Fam. CH F
Cynosurus cristatus / Crested Dogstail Poaceae / Grass Fam. CH D IRL
Dryopteris filix-mas / Male Fern Pteridopsida / True Ferns CH D F HR
Empetrum nigrum / Crow Berry Empetraceae / Crowberry Fam. A CH D S
Ephedra helvetica / Swiss Joint Pine Ephedraceae / Joint Pine Fam. CH
Eriophorum angustifolium / Common Cotton Grass Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam. A CH D E F I Lie S
Euphrasia rostkoviana / Common Eyebright Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam. A CH D E I S
Festuca scabriculmis subsp. luedii / Luedi's Fescue Poaceae / Grass Fam. CH
Galium / Bedstraw (2 Taxa) Rubiaceae / Bedstraw Fam. A CH D F HR
Gentiana verna / Spring Gentian Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. A CH D E F HR I IRL
Geum montanum / Alpine Avens Rosaceae / Rose Fam. A CH F I
Hieracium / Hawkweed (4 Taxa) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D I
Huperzia selago / Fir Clubmoss Lycopodiaceae / Clubmoss Fam. A CH D F I
Kalmia procumbens / Trailing Azalea, Mountain Mountain Laurel Ericaceae / Heather Fam. A CH F
Laserpitium halleri / Haller's Sermountain Apiaceae / Umbellifers CH
Lathyrus vernus / Spring Pea Fabaceae / Legumes A CH D F HR
Lecanorales specA / Lichen ? Lecanorales / Lichens CH
Lilium martagon / Turkscap Lily Liliaceae / Lily Fam. A CH D F HR S
Mycelis muralis / Wall Lettuce Asteraceae / Composite Fam. CH D F HR
Oenothera glazioviana / Large-Flowered Evening Primrose Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam. CH D E
Parnassia palustris / Grass of Parnassus Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. A CH D E F NL S
Pedicularis tuberosa / Long-Beaked Yellow Lousewort Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam. CH
Phalaris arundinacea / Red Canary Grass Poaceae / Grass Fam. CH D
Picris hieracioides / Hawkweed Ox-Tongue Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D E F HR I
Pinguicula alpina / Alpine Butterwort Lentibulariaceae / Bladderwort Fam. A CH D I SLO
Plantago alpina / Alpine Plantain Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. A CH D F I
Poa supina / Supina Blue Grass Poaceae / Grass Fam. A CH D F
Polemonium caeruleum / Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian Polemoniaceae / Jacob's-Ladder Fam. CH D F
Polygala alpestris / Alpine Milkwort Polygalaceae / Milkwort Fam. A CH D F GR I
Potentilla palustris / Marsh Cinquefoil Rosaceae / Rose Fam. CH D S
Primula / Primrose (2 Taxa) Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. A CH D F I S
Ranunculus / Buttercup (12 Taxa) Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A CH D F HR I SLO
Rubus / Bramble (2 Taxa) Rosaceae / Rose Fam. CH D E F HR I IRL S
Rumex scutatus / French Sorrel Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam. A CH D E F HR I SLO
Sabulina verna s.l. / Hill Spring Sandwort Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. A CH HR I
Salix caprea / Goat Willow Salicaceae / Willow Fam. A CH D IRL
Saxifraga cotyledon / Pyramidal Saxifrage Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. CH F I
Scorzoneroides helvetica / Swiss Hawkbit Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D F HR SLO
Sempervivum / House-Leek (2 Taxa) Crassulaceae / Stonecrop Fam. A CH E F I
Soldanella pusilla / Dwarf Soldanella, Dwarf Snowbell Primulaceae / Primrose Fam. A CH I
Swertia perennis / Marsh Felwort Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. A CH D F
Trichophorum cespitosum subsp. cespitosum / Deer Grass Cyperaceae / Sedge Fam. A CH D F I
Trifolium / Clover, Trefoil (2 Taxa) Fabaceae / Legumes And CH D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Rho S Sam
Trollius europaeus / Globe Flower Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A CH D F HR I S
Tussilago farfara / Colt's-Foot Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D F GR HR
Valeriana / Valerian (2 Taxa) Valerianaceae / Valerian Fam. A CH D HR
Veronica montana / Wood Speedwell Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam. CH D F
Viola / Violet, Pansy (2 Taxa) Violaceae / Violet Fam. A CH D E F HR I

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