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Some Neophytes in (Southern) Baden
'Neophytic' and 'adventive plants' are wild plants, which were not originally growing there, but immigrated or were introduced since 1492. 'Neophytic' means those of the immigrated or introduced plants, which are able to adapt to the climatic and other conditions, and last permanently. The more general term 'adventive plant' is used for any plant which arrives newly, even if it isn't able to last. Plants which immigrated or have been introduced earlier than 1492 are called 'archaeophytes', but these are not the theme of this page.
Some findings of outstanding neophytes from Kraichgau, the region around Karlsruhe, and Southern Baden are presented here. Frequent neophytes as Solidago, Amaranthus etc. aren't mentioned here anymore because these have already been shown in Neophytes in the 'Kurpfalz', the presentation on the northern adjoining region around Mannheim and Heidelberg.
Dianthus giganteus, Giant Pink
Dianthus giganteus / Giant Pink
Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam.
At several roadsides in Kraichgau these big-flowered pink which are similar to the Carthusian Pink Dianthus carthusianorum subsp. carthusianorum were occurring. At some of the roadsides they have already vanished again, probably overgrown by brambles.
Cicerbita macrophylla, Common Blue Sow-Thistle
Cicerbita macrophylla / Common Blue Sow-Thistle
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
The Common Blue Sow-Thistle Cicerbita macrophylla has a big population in the train station of Eppingen-Richen. Most probably the first plants came out of a garden.
Cymbalaria pallida, Italian Toadflax
Cymbalaria pallida / Italian Toadflax
Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
In several cementeries in Kraichgau this small Central Italian plant can be found at walls. Most probably it has been introduced with stones from Italy.
Lonicera henryi, Henry's Honeysuckle
Lonicera henryi / Henry's Honeysuckle
Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.





In woods of the Kraichgau two species of Honeysuckles were found escaped out of gardens.
Lonicera involucrata, Twinberry Honeysuckle, Bearberry Honeysuckle
Lonicera involucrata / Twinberry Honeysuckle, Bearberry Honeysuckle
Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam.
Celtis occidentalis, Common Hackberry
Celtis occidentalis / Common Hackberry
Cannabaceae / Hop Fam.
Celtis australis, European Nettle Tree
Celtis australis / European Nettle Tree
Cannabaceae / Hop Fam.



I saw both Celtis species run wild at Karlsruhe based on tree plantings in parks. The Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis of which the origin is North America is much more frequent than the European Nettle Tree Celtis australis, which has been introduced from the Mediterranean.



Near Karlsruhe Meadow Brome Bromus riparius can be found, a grass from Eastern Europe which has hairy leaves.
Bromus riparius, Meadow Brome
Bromus riparius / Meadow Brome
Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Bromus riparius, Meadow Brome
Bromus riparius / Meadow Brome
Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Ludwigia x kentiana, False Hampshire Purslane
Ludwigia x kentiana / False Hampshire Purslane
= Ludwigia palustris x repens
Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam.



Left: A Ludwigia Hybrid, which has been bred by gardeners and is used in Aquariums, has been introduced into a pond near Karlsruhe. It reproduces numerously.


Right: Not only in Mannheim and Ludwigshafen but also near Ihringen in the Kaiserstuhl and near Kehl I found the Tall Fleabane Erigeron sumatrensis. It has been introduced from South America.
Erigeron sumatrensis, Tall Fleabane
Erigeron sumatrensis / Tall Fleabane
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Linaria supina, Prostrate Toadflax
Linaria supina / Prostrate Toadflax
Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
Left and below: In the port of Kehl both Prostrate Toadflax Linaria supina and Simple Toadflax Linaria simplex are naturalized since many years. The two species originate from the Western resp. Eastern Mediterranean.
Linaria simplex, Simple Toadflax
Linaria simplex / Simple Toadflax
Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.
Right: Pale Toadflax Linaria repens immigrated via France to South West Germany, I found it frequently at the former freight terminal of Freiburg.
Linaria repens, Pale Toadflax
Linaria repens / Pale Toadflax
Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam.



The origin of the Evening Primroses is America. The Evening Primroses occuring here are either introduced from America, or are hybrids between the introduced American species which developed here.
Oenothera glazioviana has the biggest blossoms, it is a naturalized ornamental plant.
Oenothera ersteinensis seems to be a hybrid which developed here out of introduced American species. It got its name according to the city of Erstein in Alsace.
Oenothera glazioviana, Large-Flowered Evening Primrose
Oenothera glazioviana / Large-Flowered Evening Primrose
Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam.
Oenothera ersteinensis, Erstein Evening Primrose
Oenothera ersteinensis / Erstein Evening Primrose
Onagraceae / Willowherb Fam.
Rorippa pyrenaica, Creeping Yellow-Cress
Rorippa pyrenaica / Creeping Yellow-Cress
Brassicaceae / Crucifers
Erechtites hieraciifolius, American Burnweed, Fireweed
Erechtites hieraciifolius / American Burnweed, Fireweed
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.

Artemisia scoparia, Redstem Wormwood, Virgate Sagebrush
Artemisia scoparia / Redstem Wormwood, Virgate Sagebrush
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Artemisia gilvescens, Chinese Mugwort
Artemisia gilvescens / Chinese Mugwort
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Artemisia lavandulaefolia, Lavender-Leaved Wormwood
Artemisia lavandulaefolia / Lavender-Leaved Wormwood
Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Muhlenbergia mexicana, Mexican Muhly, Wirestem Muhly
Muhlenbergia mexicana / Mexican Muhly, Wirestem Muhly
Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Digitaria ciliaris, Southern Crab Grass, Tropical Finger-Grass
Digitaria ciliaris / Southern Crab Grass, Tropical Finger-Grass
Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Poaceae spec2 <b>?</b>, Grass
Poaceae spec2 ? / Grass
Poaceae / Grass Fam.
  Riegel am Kaiserstuhl



On the ski slope and under the ski lift of Notschrei in the Black Forest there is a galore occurrence of Swordleaf Rush Juncus ensifolius which has been introduced from North America.
Juncus ensifolius, Swordleaf Rush, Dagger-Leaved Rush
Juncus ensifolius / Swordleaf Rush, Dagger-Leaved Rush
Juncaceae / Rush Fam.
Juncus ensifolius, Swordleaf Rush, Dagger-Leaved Rush
Juncus ensifolius / Swordleaf Rush, Dagger-Leaved Rush
Juncaceae / Rush Fam.
Avena barbata, Slender Wild Oat
Avena barbata / Slender Wild Oat
Poaceae / Grass Fam.



In the city of Konstanz at Lake Constance these two introduced grasses have been found. Origin of the left grass is the Mediterranean, Africa, and Asia. Origin of the right grass is Eastern Europe and Asia.
Setaria verticilliformis, Barbed Bristle Grass
Setaria verticilliformis / Barbed Bristle Grass
Poaceae / Grass Fam.
Naturally this list of neophytic plants in Baden is far from completeness. It will be continued on occasion. There are similar sites on some neophytes in Rheinland-Pfalz, ... in Württemberg, ... in Hesse, ... in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the more extensive presentation on the neophytes of the 'Kurpfalz', the region around Mannheim and Heidelberg.  


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