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Photos of European Plants (trad. Fam., alphab. sorted):
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) / Legumes

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Acacia / Wattle (5 Taxa + 1 Syn.) Cor GR I Kre Rho Tun Zyp
Adenocarpus / Flatpod (2 Taxa) NL Pal Ten
Amorpha fruticosa / Desert False Indigo D
Anagyris foetida / Mediterranean Stinkbush, Stinking Bean Trefoil Chi GR Rho
Anthyllis / Kidney Vetch (20 Taxa + 5 Syn.) A And CH Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Mal Rho S
Argyrolobium zanonii / Silverleaf F Mal
Astragalus / Milk-Vetch (31 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A Chi Cor D E F GR HR I Kre Les Mal P Rho Sam Siz
Biserrula pelecinus −−> Astragalus pelecinus Cor
Bituminaria bituminosa / Pitch Trefoil Chi F GR I Mal Rho Ten
Bonaveria securidaca −−> Securigera securidaca GR HR I Kef
Calicotome / Thorny Broom (2 Taxa) Chi GR I Kre Mal Rho Sam
Caragana arborescens / Siberian Pea-Tree D
Cassia corymbosa −−> Senna corymbosa GR
Ceratonia siliqua / Carob GR HR Kre Mal Rho Zyp
Cercis siliquastrum / Judas Tree D F GR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Chamaecytisus / Broom (7 Syn.) A D F GR HR I SLO Ten
Chamaespartium sagittale −−> Genista sagittalis D F HR I
Chrysaspis / Clover, Trefoil (7 Syn.) A CH D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Rho S Sam
Cicer / Chick-Pea (2 Taxa) Chi D GR S
Colutea arborescens / Bladder Senna D GR HR
Coronilla / Scorpion Vetch, Crownvetch (8 Taxa + 7 Syn.) A Chi Cor D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Cytisophyllum sessilifolium / Sessile-Leaved Tick Trefoil F I
Cytisus / Broom (15 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A Cor D F GR HR I SLO Sam Ten
Dorycnium / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (6 Syn.) A Chi Cor D F GR HR I Mal Rho SLO
Dorycnopsis gerardi / Gerard's Kidney Vetch Cor
Ebenus / Ebony (2 Taxa) GR Kre Mal
Emerus major −−> Hippocrepis emerus A D F GR HR I Sam
Erinacea anthyllis / Hedgehog Broom E
Erophaca / Milk-Vetch (2 Syn.) GR P
Ervilia hirsuta −−> Vicia hirsuta Cor D GR
Ervum / Tare (2 Taxa) D GR I Mal
Galega / Goat's Rue (2 Taxa) A D HR I
Genista / Broom (22 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A Cor D E F HR I Les Mal Rho
Gleditsia triacanthos / Honey Locust D
Glycine max / Soy Bean A D S
Hammatolobium / Hammatolobium (1 Taxon + 1 Syn.) GR
Hedysarum / Sweetvetch (4 Taxa) A D F GR I Mal Rho
Hippocrepis / Horseshoe Vetch, Senna (8 Taxa + 1 Syn.) A Chi D F GR HR I Kef Mal Rho Sam
Hymenocarpos circinnatus / Disk Trefoil Chi Kre Les Rho
Hymenocarpus circinnatus −−> Hymenocarpos circinnatus Chi Kre Les Rho
Indigofera potaninii / Indigo D
Laburnum / Golden Chain (2 Taxa) A D F HR I
Lathyrus / Vetchling, Pea (36 Taxa + 3 Syn.) A CH Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Les Mal PL Rho S Sam
Lembotropis nigricans −−> Cytisus nigricans A D HR
Lens / Vetch (2 Syn.) D GR I S
Lotus / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (25 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A And Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Les Lie Mal Rho S SLO Sam Siz Ten
Lupinus / Lupin (6 Taxa + 1 Syn.) A Chi Cor D GR Kre Rho Sam Siz
Medicago / Medick (23 Taxa + 3 Syn.) A Chi Cor D DK E F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Melilotus / Melilot (11 Taxa + 3 Syn.) Chi Cor D DK F GR HR I Kef Les Mal Rho Sam
Onobrychis / Sainfoin (10 Taxa + 1 Syn.) Chi D E F GR HR I Kre Les Rho Sam
Ononis / Restharrow (16 Taxa) A Chi Cor D E F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho S
Ornithopus / Bird's-Foot (3 Taxa) D Les S Sam
Oxytropis / Milk-Vetch, Oxytropis (9 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A D F I
Parkinsonia aculeata / Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn GR
Phaseolus vulgaris / Garden Bean D
Pisum / Vetchling, Pea (2 Syn.) Chi D GR HR I Les Rho
Psoralea bituminosa −−> Bituminaria bituminosa Chi F GR I Mal Rho Ten
Robinia pseudoacacia / False Acacia D
Sarothamnus scoparius −−> Cytisus scoparius D F GR
Scorpiurus / Scorpion's Tail (2 Taxa) Chi D F I Mal Rho Sam
Securigera / Hatchet Vetch (4 Taxa) A D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Rho Sam
Senna corymbosa / Flowering Senna, Argentina Senna GR
Sophora japonica / Japanese Pagoda Tree D
Spartium junceum / Spanish Broom F I Rho Sam
Styphnolobium japonicum −−> Sophora japonica D
Sulla / Sweetvetch (2 Syn.) GR I Mal Rho
Teline / Broom (2 Syn.) Cor Les
Tetragonolobus maritimus −−> Lotus maritimus A Cor D F Lie
Trifolium / Clover, Trefoil (59 Taxa + 11 Syn.) A And CH Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Les Mal NL Rho S Sam Siz
Trigonella / Fenugreek (5 Taxa + 2 Syn.) Chi D GR Kef Les Rho S Sam
Tripodion / Kidney Vetch (2 Syn.) GR Kre Mal Rho
Ulex / Gorse (2 Taxa) D E F I IRL Ten
Vicia / Vetch (43 Taxa + 13 Syn.)
Vicia angustifolia / Narrow-Leaved Vetch A Cor D F
Vicia barbazitae / Barbazita's Vetch GR Les
Vicia bithynica / Bithynian Vetch Cor F GR I Les Mal Sam
Vicia cosentini −−> Vicia sativa var. cosentini Kre Rho
Vicia cracca / Tufted Vetch A D F GR HR I
Vicia cretica / Cretan Vetch Chi GR Kre Sam
Vicia cuspidata / Cusped Vetch Rho Sam
Vicia dalmatica / Bramble Vetch D
Vicia dasycarpa −−> Vicia villosa subsp. varia F GR Les Rho Sam
Vicia disperma / European Vetch F
Vicia dumetorum / Great Wood Vetch D
Vicia ervilia / Bitter Vetch HR
Vicia faba / Broad Bean, Field Bean D GR S
Vicia glabrescens −−> Vicia villosa subsp. varia F GR Les Rho Sam
Vicia glauca / Glaucous Vetch Siz
Vicia gracilis −−> Ervum gracile Mal
Vicia grandiflora / Showy Vetch A D GR HR Sam
Vicia hirsuta / Hairy Tare Cor D GR
Vicia hybrida / Hairy Vellow-Vetch Chi F Kef Kre Les Rho
Vicia incisa −−> Vicia sativa subsp. incisa GR Rho
Vicia johannis var. johannis / Johannis Vetch D Les
Vicia johannis var. procumbens / Procumbent Johannis Vetch D
Vicia laeta −−> Vicia barbazitae GR Les
Vicia lathyroides / Spring Vetch D GR
Vicia lens / Lentil D I S
Vicia lutea / Yellow Vetch Cor F GR Rho
Vicia melanops / Black Vetch I Les
Vicia microphylla −−> Vicia villosa subsp. microphylla GR Kef Rho Sam
Vicia narbonensis / Narbonne Vetch Chi
Vicia onobrychioides / False Sainfoin F I
Vicia oroboides / Pale Vetch HR
Vicia orobus / Wood Bitter-Vetch, Upright Vetch D S
Vicia palaestina / Palestine Vetch Rho
Vicia pannonica subsp. pannonica / Hungarian Vetch A D HR Kef
Vicia pannonica subsp. striata / Hungarian Vetch F GR I
Vicia parviflora −−> Vicia disperma F
Vicia peregrina / Wandering Vetch Chi Rho Sam
Vicia pisiformis / Pea Vetch, Pale-Flower Vetch A D
Vicia pyrenaica / Pyrenean Vetch E F
Vicia sativa subsp. incisa / Incised Vetch GR Rho
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra −−> Vicia angustifolia A Cor D F
Vicia sativa subsp. segetalis −−> Vicia segetalis Cor D GR I Kre Mal
Vicia sativa var. cosentini / Cosentini's Vetch Kre Rho
Vicia sativa var. sativa / Common Vetch D F GR HR I Kre Mal Rho Sam
Vicia segetalis / Narrow-Leaved Common Vetch Cor D GR I Kre Mal
Vicia sepium / Bush Vetch CH D
Vicia sibthorpii / Sibthorp's Vetch GR
Vicia sylvatica / Wood Vetch A D I SLO
Vicia tenorei / Wild Lentil GR
Vicia tenuifolia / Fine-Leaved Vetch A D F HR
Vicia tenuifolia subsp. dalmatica −−> Vicia dalmatica D
Vicia tenuissima −−> Ervum gracile Mal
Vicia tetrasperma −−> Ervum tetraspermum D GR I
Vicia villosa / Hairy Vetch D F GR
Vicia villosa subsp. microphylla / Small-Leaved Fodder Vetch GR Kef Rho Sam
Vicia villosa subsp. varia / Fodder Vetch F GR Les Rho Sam

This Family acc. to Relationship
For combined criteria out of Family, Flower Anatomy, Color, and Leaf Form see here.


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