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Photos of European Plants (trad. Fam., alphab. sorted):
Boraginaceae / Borrage Family

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Aegonychon purpurocaeruleum −−> Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum A D F HR
Alkanna / Alkanet (4 Taxa + 2 Syn.) GR Les Rho Sam Tun
Amsinckia / Burweed (1 Taxon + 1 Syn.) D
Anchusa / Bugloss (4 Taxa + 8 Syn.) A Chi D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les PL Rho S Sam
Anchusella / Bugloss, Anchusa (2 Taxa) GR HR Kef Kre
Asperugo procumbens / German Madwort D
Borago officinalis / Borago D I Kre Mal
Brunnera macrophylla / Siberian Bugloss, False Forget-me-not D
Buglossoides / Gromwell (4 Taxa + 3 Syn.) A D F GR HR Rho S
Cerinthe / Honeywort, Cerinthe (4 Taxa + 1 Syn.) A Chi D F GR HR Kef Kre P Sam Siz
Cynoglossum / Hound's-Tongue (8 Taxa) A Cor D F GR HR I Kre Mal Rho Sam Siz
Cynoglottis / Alkanet (2 Taxa) GR I
Echium / Bugloss (17 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A Cor D E F GR HR I Kre Les Mal Pal Rho S Sam Siz Ten
Eritrichium nanum / Arctic Alpine Forget-me-not F
Glandora diffusa −−> Lithodora diffusa E P
Hackelia deflexa −−> Lappula deflexa A
Heliotropium / Turn-Sole, Heliotrope (3 Taxa) E F GR I Kre Les Pal
Hormuzakia aggregata / Dense Alkanet Rho
Lappula / Stickseed (2 Taxa) A D E
Lithodora / Gromwell (2 Taxa) E P Rho Sam
Lithospermum / Gromwell (2 Taxa + 6 Syn.) A Chi D E F GR HR Kre Mal P Rho S
Lycopsis / Bugloss, Anchusa (2 Taxa) D F Kre Rho
Memoremea scorpioides −−> Omphalodes scorpioides A D
Moltkia petraea / Moltkia D
Myosotis / Forget-me-not (17 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A Chi D E F GR HR I IRL Kre
Neatostema apulum / Yellow Gromwell Chi Kre Mal Rho
Nonea / Nonea, Monk's-Wort (2 Taxa + 1 Syn.) A D F
Omphalodes / Navelwort (2 Taxa) A D HR I SLO
Onosma / Goldendrop (14 Taxa) Chi D F GR HR I Kre
Pentaglottis sempervirens / Green Alkanet, Evergreen Bugloss D
Procopiania cretica −−> Symphytum creticum Kre Rho Sam
Pulmonaria / Lungwort (9 Taxa) A D F HR I
Rindera graeca / Greek Rindera GR
Symphytum / Comfrey (12 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A Cor D F GR HR I Kre Rho S Sam
Trachystemon / Oriental Borage (1 Taxon + 1 Syn.) D Kre Rho Sam

This Family acc. to Relationship
For combined criteria out of Family, Flower Anatomy, Color, and Leaf Form see here.


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