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Photos of European Plants according to the APG System:
Iridaceae / Iris Family

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Preview pict. Species, Subspecies, or Variety  Synonym(s) Photos from
Subfam. Crocoideae
Gladiolus / Gladiolus (6 Taxa)
Freesia / Freesia (2 Taxa)
Freesia refracta / Freesia I Mal Rho
Freesia corymbosa / Freesia ? Chi
Crocosmia aurea x pottsii / Montbretia Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora E IRL
Crocus / Crocus (24 Taxa)
Romulea / Sand Crocus (5 Taxa)
Subfam. Iridoideae
Iris / Iris (34 Taxa)
Moraea / Nut Iris (2 Taxa)
Sisyrinchium / Eyed Grass (2 Taxa)

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