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Photos of European Plants according to the APG System:
Asteraceae (Compositae) / Composite Family

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Subfam. Carduoideae
Carlina / Carline Thistle (8 Taxa)
Atractylis / Cnicus,Thistle (2 Taxa)
Echinops / Globe Thistle (5 Taxa)
Berardia lanuginosa / Berardia Berardia subacaulis F
Staehelina / Staehelina,Gorge Laurel (2 Taxa)
Onopordum / Cotton Thistle (9 Taxa)
Saussurea / Saw Wort,Saussurea (2 Taxa)
Jurinea / Jurinea (2 Taxa)
Arctium / Burdock (4 Taxa)
Galactites tomentosa / Milk Thistle Cor F Kef Mal Siz
Cynara / Cardoon (3 Taxa)
Ptilostemon / Chamaepuce (3 Taxa)
Lamyropsis cynaroides / Artichoke-Like Lamyropsis GR
Picnomon acarna / Soldier Thistle GR Rho Sam
Notobasis syriaca / Syrian Thistle Chi GR Rho Sam
Silybum marianum / Milk Thistle D F HR I Rho Ten
Cirsium / Thistle (21 Taxa)
Carduus / Thistle (20 Taxa)
Centaurea / Knapweed,Star Thistle (65 Taxa)
Carthamus / Safflower,Thistle (4 Taxa)
Serratula tinctoria / Saw Wort A D E HR I S
Klasea lycopifolia / Gipsywort-Leaved Klasea Serratula lycopifolia A
Xeranthemum annuum / Annual Everlasting, Immortelle A
Crupina / Crupina (2 Taxa)
Rhaponticum / Knapweed,Thistle (3 Taxa)
Mantisalca salmantica / Salamanca Knapweed E F
Subfam. Vernonioideae
Arctotheca calendula / Cape Weed, Cape Marigold
Gazania rigens / Trailing Gazania GR
Subfam. Cichorioideae
Tragopogon / Goat's-Beard,Salsify (11 Taxa)
Scorzonera / Viper's Grass (15 Taxa)
Catananche caerulea / Blue Cupidone E F
Scolymus / Golden Thistle (2 Taxa)
Prenanthes purpurea / Purple Lettuce A D HR SLO
Cicerbita / Blue Sow-Thistle (3 Taxa)
Mycelis muralis / Wall Lettuce Lactuca muralis CH D F HR
Lactuca / Lettuce (12 Taxa)
Aposeris foetida / Odorous Pig Salad A D HR
Hyoseris / Hyoseris (2 Taxa)
Reichardia / Reichardia (2 Taxa)
Launaea / Lettuce (2 Taxa)
Sonchus / Sow-Thistle (12 Taxa)
Aetheorhiza / Sow-Thistle (2 Taxa)
Scorzoneroides / Hawkbit (5 Taxa)
Urospermum / Sheep's Beard,Goldenfleece (2 Taxa)
Achyrophorus valdesii / Mediterranean Cat's-Ear Hypochaeris achyrophorus,
Hypochoeris achyrophorus
Chi F GR HR Rho
Trommsdorffia / Cat's-Ear (2 Taxa)
Hypochaeris / Cat's-Ear (3 Taxa)
Picris / Ox-Tongue (4 Taxa)
Hedypnois rhagadioloides / Cretan Weed Hedypnois cretica,
Hedypnois polymorpha
D F Mal Rho Sam
Leontodon / Hawkbit (9 Taxa)
Willemetia stipitata / Willemetia Calycocorsus stipitatus A
Chondrilla / Skeletonweed (2 Taxa)
Rhagadiolus / Hawkbit (2 Taxa)
Lapsana / Nipplewort (2 Taxa)
Crepis / Hawk's-Beard (37 Taxa)
Taraxacum / Dandelion (72 Taxa)
Andryala / Andryala (3 Taxa)
Hieracium / Hawkweed (67 Taxa)
Cichorium / Chicory (6 Taxa)
Tolpis / Umbrella Milkwort (2 Taxa)
Arnoseris minima / Lamb Succory, Dwarf Nipplewort D
Subfam. Asteroideae
Dimorphotheca ecklonis / Cape Marguerite, African Daisy
Osteospermum ecklonis Kef
Calendula / Marigold (4 Taxa)
Tussilago farfara / Colt's-Foot A CH D F GR HR
Petasites / Butterbur (5 Taxa)
Homogyne / Colt's-Foot (3 Taxa)
Tephroseris / Groundsel (7 Taxa)
Senecio / Ragwort,Groundsel (36 Taxa)
Erechtites hieraciifolius / American Burnweed, Fireweed D
Adenostyles / Adenostyles (3 Taxa)
Delairea odorata / Cape Ivy Senecio mikanioides E
Kleinia neriifolia / Canary Island Candle Plant Senecio kleinia Gom Pal Ten
Doronicum / Leopard's-Bane (10 Taxa)
Cotula / Brassbuttons,Waterbuttons (3 Taxa)
Artemisia / Wormwood,Mugwort (26 Taxa)
Matricaria / Mayweed (4 Taxa)
Anacyclus / Anacyclus,Alexander's Foot (3 Taxa)
Achillea / Milfoil,Yarrow (24 Taxa)
Tanacetum / Feverfew,Tansy (6 Taxa)
Anthemis / Chamomile (17 Taxa)
Tripleurospermum / Mayweed (2 Taxa)
Leucanthemopsis / Alpine Moon Daisy (2 Taxa)
Leucanthemum / Ox-Eye Daisy (11 Taxa)
Coleostephus myconis / Yellow Daisy Chrysanthemum myconi,
Chrysanthemum multicaule
Cor F I
Santolina villosa / Pubescent Cotton Lavender E
Chamaemelum nobile / Chamomile Anthemis nobilis,
Ormenis nobilis
Argyranthemum / Marguerite Daisy (2 Taxa)
Glebionis / Daisy (2 Taxa)
Bellis / Daisy (3 Taxa)
Bellium bellidioides / False Daisy Cor
Galatella / Aster (3 Taxa)
Tripolium / Aster (2 Taxa)
Callistephus chinensis / China Aster Aster sinensis D
Aster / Aster (4 Taxa)
Baccharis halimifolia / Eastern Baccharius, Eastern False Willow F
Solidago / Goldenrod (6 Taxa)
Erigeron / Fleabane (17 Taxa)
Symphyotrichum / Michaelmas Daisy,Aster (9 Taxa)
Phagnalon / Phagnalon (4 Taxa)
Helichrysum / Everlasting Daisy,Strawflower (7 Taxa)
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly Everlasting D
Gnaphalium / Cudweed (6 Taxa)
Bombycilaena erecta / Micropus Micropus erectus F Mal
Filago / Cudweed,Cottonrose (9 Taxa)
Leontopodium alpinum / Edelweiss A E F HR I
Antennaria dioica / Mountain Everlasting A D E F HR I IRL S
Buphthalmum salicifolium / Yellow Ox-Eye A D F HR I
Pentanema / Fleabane (14 Taxa)
Telekia / Oxeye (2 Taxa)
Inula helenium / Elecampane D E
Limbarda crithmoides / Golden Samphire Inula crithmoides E F GR Mal Rho
Pulicaria / Fleabane (3 Taxa)
Dittrichia / Fleabane (2 Taxa)
Pallenis spinosa / Pallensis E F GR HR I Kre Les Rho Sam Ten
Asteriscus / Daisy (3 Taxa)
Chiliadenus glutinosus / Rock Tea Chiliadenus saxatilis,
Jasonia glutinosa
Helenium autumnale / Sneezeweed D
Gaillardia aristata / Common Blanket Flower D
Melampodium montanum / Mountain Blackfoot D
Galinsoga / Soldier (2 Taxa)
Guizotia abyssinica / Niger, Gingelli D
Arnica montana / Mountain Arnica A And D F I
Ageratina adenophora / Crofton Weed, Sticky Snakeroot Eupatorium adenophorum Pal
Shinnersia rivularis / Mexican Oakleaf, Rio Grande Bugheal Trichocoronis rivularis A
Eupatorium cannabinum / Hemp Agrimony D E HR IRL NL
Coreopsis / Tickseed,Coreopsis (2 Taxa)
Cosmos bipinnatus / Garden Cosmos, Mexican Aster Cosmea bipinnata A D
Bidens / Beggartick,Marigold (8 Taxa)
Ambrosia / Ragweed (3 Taxa)
Iva xanthiifolia / Marsh Elder Cyclachaena xanthiifolia D
Xanthium / Cocklebur (5 Taxa)
Xanthium strumarium / Rough Cocklebur, Common Cocklebur A D
Xanthium italicum / Italian Cocklebur E GR HR I Sam
Xanthium saccharatum / Canada Cocklebur D
Xanthium albinum / Riverside Cocklebur D
Xanthium spinosum / Spiny Cocklebur, Bathurst Burr E GR
Silphium perfoliatum / Cup Plant D
Helianthus / Sunflower (2 Taxa)
Rudbeckia / Coneflower (2 Taxa)
Echinacea purpurea / Eastern Purple Coneflower D
Heliopsis helianthoides / Sunflower Heliopsis D
ohne / without Subfam.
Asteraceae spec1 / Composite ?

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