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Subfam. Asparagoideae
Asparagus \ Spargel / Asparagus (6 Taxa) |
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Subfam. Nolinoideae
Maianthemum bifolium \ Schattenblümchen / May Lily, False Lily of the Valley |
| | | A
Polygonatum \ Salomonssiegel,Weißwurz / Solomon's Seal (3 Taxa) |
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Dracaena draco \ Kanarischer Drachenbaum / Dragon Tree |
| | | Pal
Ruscus \ Mäusedorn / Butcher's Broom (2 Taxa) |
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Convallaria majalis \ Maiglöckchen / Lily of the Valley |
| | | D
Subfam. Aphyllanthoideae
Aphyllanthes monspeliensis \ Binsenlilie / Blue Aphyllanthes |
| | | E
Subfam. Agavoideae
Anthericum \ Graslilie / St. Bernard's Lily (2 Taxa) |
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Paradisea liliastrum \ Weiße Trichter-Lilie, Paradies-Lilie / St Bruno's Lily |
| | | F
Chlorophytum comosum \ Grünlilie / Spider Plant, St Bernard's Lily |
| | | D
Hosta ventricosa \ Glocken-Funkie, Glocken-Herzblattlilie / Blue Plantain Lily |
| | | D
Yucca \ Palmlilie,Yucca-Palme / Yucca (2 Taxa) |
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Agave \ Agave / Agave (3 Taxa) |
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Subfam. Scilloideae
Dipcadi serotinum \ Schweifblatt / Dipcadi, Brown Bluebell |
| | | E
Ornithogalum \ Milchstern / Star of Bethlehem (23 Taxa) |
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Drimia \ Meerzwiebel / Sea Squill (4 Taxa) |
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Puschkinia scilloides \ Schein-Scilla / Russian Snowdrop |
| | | D
Brimeura fastigiata \ Pouzolz-Hyacinthe / Pouzolz' Squill |
| Hyacinthus fastigiatus | | Cor
Hyacinthus orientalis \ Garten-Hyazinthe / Garden Hyacinth |
| | | D
Hyacinthoides \ Hasenglöckchen / Bluebell (4 Taxa) |
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Hyacinthella dalmatica \ Dalmatinische Hyazinthe / Dalmatian Hyacinth |
| | | HR
Muscari \ Traubenhyazinthe / Grape Hyacinth (18 Taxa) |
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Bellevalia \ Hyazinthe / Squill (6 Taxa) |
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Scilla \ Blaustern / Squill (25 Taxa) |
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