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Fotos europäischer Pflanzen nach dem APG-System:
Photos of European Plants according to the APG System:
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) \ Schmetterlingsblütler) (Schmetterlingsblütengewächse)/ Legumes

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  Gattung mit mehreren verfügbaren Arten, kann durch Anklicken geöffnet werden / Genus with more than one available species, can be opened by mouse click.
  Gattung mit mehreren verfügbaren Arten ist geöffnet / Genus with more than one available species has been opened.

VorschaubildArt, Unterart oder Varietät Synonym(e) Fotos von
Preview pict. Species, Subspecies, or Variety  Synonym(s) Photos from
Subfam. Cercidoideae
Cercis siliquastrum \ Judasbaum / Judas Tree
D F GR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Subfam. Caesalpinioideae
Ceratonia siliqua \ Johannisbrot-Baum, Karube / Carob
GR HR Kre Mal Rho Zyp
Gleditsia triacanthos \ Amerikanische Gleditschie, Lederhülsenbaum / Honey Locust D
Senna corymbosa \ Gewürzrinde, Kassie / Flowering Senna, Argentina Senna Cassia corymbosa GR
Parkinsonia aculeata \ Jerusalemdorn / Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn GR
Acacia \ Akazie / Wattle (5 Taxa)
Subfam. Papilionoideae
Anagyris foetida \ Stinkstrauch / Mediterranean Stinkbush, Stinking Bean Trefoil
Chi GR Rho
Sophora japonica \ Japanischer Schnurbaum / Japanese Pagoda Tree Styphnolobium japonicum D
Argyrolobium zanonii \ Silberklee, Silberhülse / Silverleaf F Mal
Lupinus \ Lupine / Lupin (6 Taxa)
Adenocarpus \ Drüsenginster / Flatpod (2 Taxa)
Cytisophyllum sessilifolium \ Südlicher Geißklee, Blattstielloser Geißklee / Sessile-Leaved Tick Trefoil Cytisus sessilifolius,
Cytisus glaber
Laburnum \ Goldregen / Golden Chain (2 Taxa)
Cytisus \ Ginster,Geißklee / Broom (15 Taxa)
Calicotome \ Dorn-Ginster / Thorny Broom (2 Taxa)
Erinacea anthyllis \ Blauer Stachelginster, Igelpolster / Hedgehog Broom E
Genista \ Ginster / Broom (22 Taxa)
Spartium junceum \ Pfriemen-Ginster / Spanish Broom F I Rho Sam
Ulex \ Stechginster / Gorse (2 Taxa)
Amorpha fruticosa \ Gemeiner Bastard-Indigo, Bleibusch / Desert False Indigo D
Indigofera potaninii \ Indigo-Strauch / Indigo D
Phaseolus vulgaris \ Garten-Bohne / Garden Bean D
Bituminaria bituminosa \ Asphalt-Klee / Pitch Trefoil Psoralea bituminosa Chi F GR I Mal Rho Ten
Glycine max \ Soja-Bohne / Soy Bean A D S
Coronilla \ Kronwicke / Scorpion Vetch,Crownvetch (8 Taxa)
Securigera \ Beilwicke / Hatchet Vetch (4 Taxa)
Scorpiurus \ Skorpionsschwanz / Scorpion's Tail (2 Taxa)
Hippocrepis \ Hufeisenklee / Horseshoe Vetch,Senna (8 Taxa)
Anthyllis \ Wundklee / Kidney Vetch (20 Taxa)
Hymenocarpos circinnatus \ Pfennig-Klee / Disk Trefoil Hymenocarpus circinnatus Chi Kre Les Rho
Lotus \ Hornklee / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (25 Taxa)
Hammatolobium lotoides \ Griechische Knotenfrucht / Greek Hammatolobium Hammatolobium graecum,
Tripodion graecum
Ornithopus \ Vogelfuß / Bird's-Foot (3 Taxa)
Dorycnopsis gerardi \ Gerards Wundklee / Gerard's Kidney Vetch Anthyllis gerardi Cor
Robinia pseudoacacia \ Robinie / False Acacia D
Caragana arborescens \ Gemeiner Erbsenstrauch / Siberian Pea-Tree D
Astragalus \ Tragant / Milk-Vetch (31 Taxa)
Oxytropis \ Spitzkiel / Milk-Vetch,Oxytropis (9 Taxa)
Hedysarum \ Süßklee / Sweetvetch (4 Taxa)
Ebenus \ Ebenholzstrauch / Ebony (2 Taxa)
Onobrychis \ Esparsette / Sainfoin (10 Taxa)
Colutea arborescens \ Blasenstrauch / Bladder Senna D GR HR
Galega \ Geißraute / Goat's Rue (2 Taxa)
Cicer \ Kichererbse / Chick-Pea (2 Taxa)
Trifolium \ Klee / Clover,Trefoil (59 Taxa)
Vicia \ Wicke / Vetch (43 Taxa)
Ervum \ Wicke / Tare (2 Taxa)
Lathyrus \ Platterbse / Vetchling,Pea (35 Taxa)
Lathyrus vernus \ Frühlings-Platterbse / Spring Pea A CH D F HR
Lathyrus venetus \ Venezianische Platterbse / Venetian Vetchling GR HR I
Lathyrus niger \ Schwarze Platterbse / Black Pea D F GR HR S
Lathyrus japonicus var. maritimus \ Strand-Platterbse / Sea Pea D S
Lathyrus ochraceus subsp. ochraceus \ Ockergelbe Platterbse / Yellow Pea Lathyrus luteus subsp. laevigatus,
Lathyrus laevigatus
Lathyrus bauhini \ Schwert-Platterbse / Bauhin's Vetchling D
Lathyrus digitatus \ Fingerblättrige Platterbse / Finger-Leaved Vetchling GR Kef
Lathyrus pannonicus \ Ungarische Platterbse / Hungarian Pea A F HR
Lathyrus pannonicus subsp. collinus \ Hügel-Platterbse / Hungarian Pea D
Lathyrus linifolius \ Berg-Platterbse / Bitter Vetchling Lathyrus montanus D F I IRL S
Lathyrus pratensis \ Wiesen-Platterbse / Meadow Vetchling D F
Lathyrus hirsutus \ Behaartfrüchtige Platterbse / Hairy Vetchling D F HR
Lathyrus palustris \ Sumpf-Platterbse / Marsh Pea D F
Lathyrus laxiflorus \ Lockerblütige Platterbse / Lax-Flowered Vetchling Chi GR
Lathyrus tuberosus \ Knollen-Platterbse / Tuberous Pea D
Lathyrus grandiflorus \ Stauden-Wicke / Everlasting Pea GR
Lathyrus sylvestris \ Wald-Platterbse / Narrow-Leaved Flat Pea D E I PL
Lathyrus latifolius \ Breitblättrige Platterbse / Broad-Leaved Everlasting Pea D F HR
Lathyrus heterophyllus \ Verschiedenblättrige Platterbse / Norfolk Everlasting Vetchling D F
Lathyrus odoratus \ Duftende Platterbse, Garten-Wicke / Sweet Pea Mal
Lathyrus saxatilis \ Felsen-Platterbse / Rock Vetchling Rho
Lathyrus setifolius \ Grasblättrige Platterbse / Brown Vetchling, Narrow-Leaved Red Vetchling Chi GR I Mal
Lathyrus cicera \ Rote Platterbse / Red Vetchling F GR HR Les Rho
Lathyrus sativus \ Saat-Platterbse, Kicher-Platterbse / White Vetchling, Flat-Podded Vetchling Chi
Lathyrus amphicarpos \ Geflügelte Purpur-Platterbse / Winged Scarlet Vetchling Rho
Lathyrus annuus \ Einjährige Platterbse / Fodder Pea F HR I
Lathyrus gorgoni \ Orangefarbige Platterbse / Orange Vetchling Chi Rho Sam
Lathyrus clymenum \ Purpur-Platterbse / Crimson Pea Cor F I Sam
Lathyrus articulatus \ Glieder-Platterbse / Jointed-Podded Pea Chi Cor GR Kre Les
Lathyrus ochrus \ Flügel-Platterbse, Scheidige Platterbse / Winged Vetchling, Cyprus Vetch Kre Mal
Lathyrus nissolia \ Gras-Platterbse / Grass Vetchling D
Lathyrus aphaca \ Ranken-Platterbse / Yellow Vetchling D F GR HR
Lathyrus pseudoaphaca \ Falsche Ranken-Platterbse / False Yellow Vetchling Lathyrus aphaca var. pseudoaphaca GR Les Rho Sam
Lathyrus oleraceus var. oleraceus \ Garten-Erbse / Pea Pisum sativum subsp. sativum D
Lathyrus oleraceus subsp. biflorus \ Wilde Erbse, Feld-Erbse / Field Pea Pisum sativum subsp. elatius Chi D GR HR I Les Rho
Ononis \ Hauhechel / Restharrow (16 Taxa)
Trigonella \ Bockshornklee,Schabzigerklee / Fenugreek (5 Taxa)
Melilotus \ Steinklee,Honigklee / Melilot (11 Taxa)
Medicago \ Schneckenklee / Medick (23 Taxa)
ohne / without Subfam.
Fabaceae spec1 \ Schmetterlingsblütler / Legume ?

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Copyright: Use of the images and texts only with the author's written permission.