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Photos of European Plants according to the APG System:
Potamogetonaceae / Pontweed Family

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Preview pict. Species, Subspecies, or Variety  Synonym(s) Photos from
Preview image Zannichellia palustris / Horned Pondweed D
Groenlandia densa / Opposite-Leaved Pontweed D
Potamogeton natans / Broad-Leaved Pontweed D E
Potamogeton polygonifolius / Bog Pontweed D F IRL
Potamogeton coloratus / Fen Pontweed F
Potamogeton nodosus / Loddon Pontweed D HR Rho
Potamogeton lucens / Shining Pontweed D NL
Potamogeton x angustifolius / Illinois Pontweed Potamogeton gramineus x lucens, Potamogeton x zizii, Potamogeton illinoensis D
Potamogeton gramineus / Variousleaved Pontweed, Grass-Leaved Pontweed D
Potamogeton alpinus / Alpine Pontweed, Red Pontweed D
Potamogeton praelongus / Long-Stalked Pontweed, Whitestem Pontweed D
Potamogeton perfoliatus / Perfoliate Pontweed D HR
Potamogeton friesii / Fries' Pontweed ? HR
Potamogeton pusillus agg. / Small Pontweed D S
Potamogeton obtusifolius / Blunt-Leaf Pontweed D
Potamogeton berchtoldii / Small Pontweed D
Potamogeton trichoides / Hairlike Pontweed D
Potamogeton crispus / Curled Pontweed D I
Potamogeton pectinatus / Fennel Pontweed Stuckenia pectinata D
Potamogeton spec1 / Pontweed ? D

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