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Photos of European Plants acc. to Leaf Form:   stem embracing
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Arabis / Rock-Cress (4 Taxa) Brassicaceae / Crucifers A Cor D E F GR HR I Siz
Aristolochia / Birthwort (7 Taxa) Aristolochiaceae / Birthwort Fam. Chi F I Kre Les Rho Sam Siz
Blackstonia perfoliata / Yellow-Wort Gentianaceae / Gentian Fam. F GR HR IRL Mal
Bupleurum / Hare's Ear,Thorough-Wax (3 Taxa) Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D F Sam
Cerinthe / Honeywort,Cerinthe (4 Taxa) Boraginaceae / Borrage Fam. A Chi D F GR HR Kef Kre P Sam Siz
Claytonia / Lettuce (2 Taxa) Montiaceae / Montia Fam. D
Conringia / Hare's Ear,Mustard (2 Taxa) Brassicaceae / Crucifers D I
Crepis blattarioides / Moth-Mullein Hawk's-Beard Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D E F HR
Doronicum / Leopard's-Bane (2 Taxa) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Chi D F GR I Les Sam
Fallopia dumetorum / Copse Bindweed Polygonaceae / Knotweed Fam. D
Groenlandia densa / Opposite-Leaved Pontweed Potamogetonaceae / Pontweed Fam. D
Gypsophila vaccaria / Cowherb Caryophyllaceae / Campion Fam. D F
Lactuca / Lettuce (2 Taxa) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D GR HR S
Lamium amplexicaule / Henbit Dead-Nettle Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. Chi D GR HR Kre Rho
Lathyrus / Vetchling,Pea (2 Taxa) Fabaceae / Legumes D F GR HR Les Rho Sam
Lepidium perfoliatum / Perfoliate Pepperwort, Clasping Pepperwort Brassicaceae / Crucifers A
Lonicera implexa / Evergreen Honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. F GR HR I
Microthlaspi / Penny-Cress (3 Taxa) Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D F GR HR Rho
Moricandia / Violet Cabbage (2 Taxa) Brassicaceae / Crucifers D E Tun
Myagrum perfoliatum / Mitre Cress, Bird's-Eye Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers HR
Noccaea / Penny-Cress (3 Taxa) Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D F HR
Peltaria alliacea / Garlic Cress Brassicaceae / Crucifers A HR
Petasites pyrenaicus / Pyrenean Butterbur Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F
Saxifraga hirsuta / Kidney Saxifrage Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. E
Scrophularia vernalis / Yellow Figwort Scrophulariaceae / Figwort Fam. F
Senecio / Ragwort,Groundsel (2 Taxa) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Pal Ten
Smyrnium / Alexanders (2 Taxa) Apiaceae / Umbellifers D GR HR Kre Les Sar
Stachys macrantha / Caucasus Woundwort, Betony Woundwort Lamiaceae / Mint Fam. D
Streptopus amplexifolius / Twisted Stalk Liliaceae / Lily Fam. D
Veratrum / False Hellebore (3 Taxa) Melanthiaceae / False Helleborine Fam. A And D F HR I
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