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Photos of European Plants acc. to Leaf Form:   fivefoiled
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Abelmoschus esculentus / Okra, Gumbo Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. GR
Actaea spicata / Baneberry Ranunculaceae / Buttercup Fam. A D HR
Alchemilla alpina / Alpine Lady's Mantle Rosaceae / Rose Fam. CH F
Althaea cannabina / Hemp-Leaved Mallow Malvaceae / Mallow Fam. HR
Astrantia / Masterwort (4 Taxa) Apiaceae / Umbellifers A And D E F HR SLO
Cardamine pentaphyllos / Five-Leaved Coral-Root Brassicaceae / Crucifers A F I
Ceratocapnos claviculata / Climbing Corydalis Papaveraceae / Poppy Fam. D
Ebenus cretica / Cretan Ebony Fabaceae / Legumes Kre Mal
Hornungia / Hutchinsia (3 Taxa) Brassicaceae / Crucifers A D E F I
Ipomoea cairica / Morning Glory, Messina Creeper Convolvulaceae / Bindweed Fam. Gom
Lotus / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (13 Taxa) Fabaceae / Legumes A Chi Cor D F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Les Lie Mal Rho S Sam Siz
Potentilla / Cinquefoil (25 Taxa) Rosaceae / Rose Fam. A CH D E F GR HR I IRL Mal S
Rosa / Rose (4 Taxa) Rosaceae / Rose Fam. D
Rubus / Bramble (150 Taxa) Rosaceae / Rose Fam. A CH D E F GR HR I IRL S
Saxifraga rosacea subsp. sponhemica / Irish Saxifrage Saxifragaceae / Saxifrage Fam. D
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