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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Scilla nana  (SCHULT.F.) SPETA  subsp. albescens  (SPETA) SPETA     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

APG-Fam.: Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.       Fam. tradit.: Liliaceae / Lily Fam.  

Synon.:  Chionodoxa albescens  (SPETA) RIX,  Scilla albescens  SPETA

Genus:  Scilla  L.,  Chionodoxa  BOISS.

   SCHULT.F.:  Julius Hermann Schultes (1804 - 1840), Austrian physician and botanist in Bavaria, son of Joseph August Schultes
   SPETA:  Franz Speta (1941 - 2015), Austrian botanist with main focus on Liliaceae s. l.
   RIX:  Edward Martyn Rix (1943 - ), British botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   BOISS.:  Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810 - 1885), Swiss botanist

   Scilla:   Greek name of the Sea Squill Charybdis maritima
   nana:   dwarf
   albescens:   whitish
   Chionodoxa:   chionos = snow, doxa = glory

There are two Glory of the Snow species in Crete:
- the one shown here from the Ida Mountains (Psiloritis), Dikti Mountains and Kedros with predominantly white flowers. In the Flora Europaea it was called Chionodoxa nana, in more recent floras it is called ... albescens as species or subspecies of genus Chionodoxa or Scilla.
- another one with almost completely blue flowers from the White Mountains (Lefka Ori), which was called Chionodoxa cretica in the Flora Europaea, but in more recent floras also ... nana in different compositions of the name.


Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 1:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 2:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 3:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 4:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 5:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 6:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 7:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 8:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 9:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 10:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 11:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 12:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Fig. 13:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow
Crete, Ideon Andron 2.4.2015
Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow, Crete Ideon Andron 11.4.1990
Fig. 14:  Scilla nana subsp. albescens / Whitish Glory of the Snow (with Berberis cretica)
Crete, Ideon Andron 11.4.1990


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