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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Scilla litardierei  BREISTR.     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

APG-Fam.: Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.       Fam. tradit.: Liliaceae / Lily Fam.  

Synon.:  Chouardia litardierei  (BREISTR.) SPETA,  Nectaroscilla litardierei  (BREISTR.) TRAVN.

Genus:  Scilla  L.,  Chouardia  SPETA,  Nectaroscilla  PARL.

   BREISTR.:  Maurice A. F. Breistroffer (1910 - 1986), French botanist
   SPETA:  Franz Speta (1941 - 2015), Austrian botanist
   TRAVN.:  Bohumil Trávnícek (1963 - ), Czech botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   PARL.:  Filippo Parlatore (1816 - 1877), Italian botanist from Sicily

   Scilla:   Greek name of the Sea Squill Charybdis maritima
   litardierei:   René Verriet de Litardičre (1888 - 1957), French botanist (LITARD. )
   Chouardia:   Pierre Chouard (1903 - 1983), French botanist from Pyrenees (CHOUARD)
   Nectaroscilla:   nectar, genus Scilla

Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Gospic 3.6.2008
Fig. 1:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Gospic 3.6.2008
Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Plitvička 1.6.2008
Fig. 2:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Plitvička 1.6.2008
Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Plitvička 1.6.2008
Fig. 3:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Plitvička 1.6.2008
Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Plitvička 1.6.2008
Fig. 4:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Plitvička 1.6.2008
Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Plitvička 2.6.2006
Fig. 5:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Plitvička 2.6.2006
Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Plitvička 2.6.2006
Fig. 6:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Plitvička 2.6.2006
Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill, Croatia Plitvička 3.6.2006
Fig. 7:  Scilla litardierei / Meadow Squill
Croatia, Plitvička 3.6.2006


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