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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Scilla elisae  (SPETA) VALDES     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

APG-Fam.: Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.       Fam. tradit.: Liliaceae / Lily Fam.  

Synon.:  Prospero elisae  SPETA

Genus:  Scilla  L.,  Prospero  SALISB.

   SPETA:  Franz Speta (1941 - 2015), Austrian botanist with main focus on Liliaceae s. l.
   VALDES:  Benito Valdés Castrillon (1942 - ), Spanish botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   SALISB.:  Richard Anthony Salisbury (Richard Markham, 1761 - 1829), English botanist

   Scilla:   Greek name of the Sea Squill Charybdis maritima
   elisae:   Franz SPETA's wife Elise
   Prospero:   Prospero, figure from Shakespeare's drama 'The Tempest'

Scilla elisae differs from Scilla autumnalis s.str. by the broader filaments (the carriers of the pollines) and by the pink color of the inside of the bulb (which I didn't check).


Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill, GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Fig. 1:  Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill
GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill, GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Fig. 2:  Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill
GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill, GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Fig. 3:  Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill
GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill, GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007
Fig. 4:  Scilla elisae / Elisa's Autumn Squill
GR Zagoria, Vikos - Gorge 26.8.2007


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