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Fam.: Fabaceae \ Schmetterlingsblütler / Legumes  

Gattung / Genus:  Oxytropis  DC.

Autoren / Authors:
   BUNGE:  Alexander Andrejewitsch von Bunge (1803 - 1890), deutsch-russischer Arzt + Botaniker, der die Flora Asiens erforschte / German-Russian physician + botanist who explored the Asian flora
   DC.:  Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle (1778 - 1841), schweizer Botaniker / Swiss botanist

Etymologie / Etymology:
   Oxytropis:   spitzer Kiel / sharp keel
   halleri:   Albrecht von Haller (1708 - 1777), schweizer Mediziner + Botaniker / Swiss physician + botanist (HALLER)

Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 1:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 2:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 3:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 4:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 5:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch (fruchtend / fruiting)
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 6:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Fig. 7:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 29.6.2021
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 8:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 9:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 10:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 11:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 12:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 13:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 14:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 15:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 16:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 17:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Fig. 18:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Pusterwald, Eiskar 1.7.2019
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Trenchtling 6.7.2024
Fig. 19:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Trenchtling 6.7.2024
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, A Trenchtling 6.7.2024
Fig. 20:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
A Trenchtling 6.7.2024
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 21:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 22:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 23:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 24:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 25:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 26:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 27:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 28:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Fig. 29:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 25.6.2008
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 9.8.2006
Fig. 30:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 9.8.2006
Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch, F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 9.8.2006
Fig. 31:  Oxytropis halleri \ Hallers Spitzkiel / Haller's Oxytropis, Purple Mountain Milk-Vetch
F Pyrenäen/Pyrenees, Eyne 9.8.2006


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