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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Ornithogalum divergens  BOREAU     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

APG-Fam.: Asparagacae / Asparagus Fam.       Fam. tradit.: Liliaceae / Lily Fam.  

Genus:  Ornithogalum  L.

   BOREAU:  Alexandre Boreau (1803 - 1875), French pharmacist and botanist in the region Maine-et-Loire
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals

   Ornithogalum:   ornithos = bird, gala = milk
   divergens:   in different directions

Ornithogalum divergens = O. umbellatum L. sensu RAAMSDONK, which is obsolete since SPETA 2000.
Ornithogalum divergens is one of the clans within the aggregate of the Umbellate White Stars of Bethlehem Ornithogalum umbellatum agg., for a survey and comparison of Central European clans see there.
Ornithogalum divergens can be recognized by a rather narrow white border on the underside of the outer petals and by the ovary rounded at the top.


Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Fig. 1:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Fig. 2:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Fig. 3:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Fig. 4:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Fig. 5:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Fig. 6:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Grünstadt-Asselheim 26.4.2020
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Bensheim 29.4.2022
Fig. 7:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Bensheim 29.4.2022
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Bensheim 29.4.2022
Fig. 8:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Bensheim 29.4.2022
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Bensheim 29.4.2022
Fig. 9:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Bensheim 29.4.2022
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Fig. 10:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Fig. 11:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Fig. 12:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Fig. 13:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Fig. 14:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Pforzheim 29.4.2017
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Fig. 15:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Fig. 16:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Fig. 17:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Fig. 18:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Fig. 19:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Urphar am Main 6.5.2006
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, D Mannheim 14.5.2013
Fig. 20:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
D Mannheim 14.5.2013
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Fig. 21:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Fig. 22:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Fig. 23:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Fig. 24:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Fig. 25:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem, F Sisteron 3.5.2023
Fig. 26:  Ornithogalum divergens / Lesser Star of Bethlehem
F Sisteron 3.5.2023


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