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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Leontodon duboisii  SENNEN     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Asteraceae / Composite Fam.  

Synon.:  Scorzoneroides duboisii  (SENNEN ex WIDDER) GREUTER,  Scorzoneroides carpetana  (LANGE) GREUTER  subsp. duboisii  (SENNEN) GALLEGO

Genus:  Leontodon  L.,  Scorzoneroides  MOENCH

   SENNEN:  frčre Sennen (1861 - 1937), French priest and botanist
   WIDDER:  Felix Joseph Widder (1892 - 1974), Austrian botanist
   GREUTER:  Werner Rodolfo Greuter (1938 - ), Swiss botanist
   LANGE:  Johan Martin Christian Lange (1818 - 1898), Danish botanist
   GALLEGO:  María Jesús Gallego Cidoncha (1953 - ), Spanish botanist
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   MOENCH:  Conrad Moench (1744 - 1805), chemist and botanist from Marburg (Germany)

   Leontodon:   leon = lion, odontos = tooth
   duboisii:   Charles Frédéric Dubois (1804 - 1867), Belgian botanist
   Scorzoneroides:   similar to Scorzonera
   carpetana:   from Cordillera Carpetana, a part of Sierra de Guadarrama (Spain)

Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, E Pyrenees, Ordesa 23.8.2011
Fig. 1:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
E Pyrenees, Ordesa 23.8.2011
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, E Pyrenees, Ordesa 23.8.2011
Fig. 2:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
E Pyrenees, Ordesa 23.8.2011
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, E Pyrenees, Ordesa 23.8.2011
Fig. 3:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
E Pyrenees, Ordesa 23.8.2011
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, E Picos de Europa, Covadonga 7.8.2012
Fig. 4:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
E Picos de Europa, Covadonga 7.8.2012
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Fig. 5:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Fig. 6:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Fig. 7:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit, F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011
Fig. 8:  Leontodon duboisii / Dubois' Hawkbit
F Pyrenees, Gourette 25.8.2011


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