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Vorige Art/previous species (Left arrowball from Animation City 1991)     Hieracium sphaerocephalum  FROEL. ex RCHB.     Nächste Art/next species (Right arrowball from Animation City 1991)

Fam.: Asteraceae / Composite Fam.  

Synon.:  Pilosella sphaerocephala  (FROEL. ex RCHB.) F.W.SCHULTZ & SCH.BIP.

Genus:  Hieracium  L.,  Pilosella  VAILL.

   FROEL.:  Josef Alois von Frölich (1766 - 1841), botanist in Wuerttemberg (Germany)
   RCHB.:  Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793 - 1879), German botanist
   F.W.SCHULTZ:  Friedrich Wilhelm Schultz (1804 - 1876), German pharmacist and botanist
   SCH.BIP.:  Carl Heinrich Schultz ('Bipontinus', 1805 - 1867), physician and botanist from the Palatinate (Germany)
   L.:  Carl von Linné (Linnaeus, 1707 - 1777), Swedish naturalist who introduced the binary naming system for plants and animals
   VAILL.:  Sébastien Vaillant (1669 - 1722), French physician and botanist

   Hieracium:   hawk (Greek)
   sphaerocephalum:   globe-headed
   Pilosella:   hairy

The identification is based on the photos. In this case there is, as is often in genus Hieracium, the small probability that it is not this clan, but another very similar one, because in genus Hieracium there are many clans, which differ only by very subtle characteristics.


Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed, A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Fig. 1:  Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed
A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed, A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Fig. 2:  Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed
A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed, A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Fig. 3:  Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed
A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed, A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010
Fig. 4:  Hieracium sphaerocephalum / Globe-Headed Hawkweed
A Malta - Valley 19.7.2010


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