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Photos of European Plants with Pest Infestation and Deformations

Animals as Pest Infestation
e.g. galls from mitches, wasps, and mites, as well as caterpillar-eating, leaf and shoot miners, etc.
Acer campestre /
Field Maple
Sapindaceae /
Golden-Rain Tree Fam.
with galls of gall mite
Aceria aceriscampestris NALEPA
Acer pseudoplatanus /
Sycamore Maple
Sapindaceae /
Golden-Rain Tree Fam.
with galls of Sycamore Gall Wasp
Pediaspis aceris GMEL.
Achillea ptarmica agg. /
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
taken by the gall midge
Rhopalomyia ptarmicae VALLOT
Aesculus hippocastanum /
Horse Chestnut
Sapindaceae /
Golden-Rain Tree Fam.
young plant with Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner Moth
Cameraria ohridella DESCHKA & DIMIC
Arctium lappa /
Greater Burdock
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
eaten by caterpillars
Arctium lappa /
Greater Burdock
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
leaf mined by larvae of leaf miner flies
Phytomyza lappae GOUREAU
Buxus sempervirens /
Buxaceae /
Box Fam.
new shoots after repeated sceletonising by catarpillars of the Box Tree Moth
Cydalima perspectalis WALKER
Camelina microcarpa /
Lesser Gold of Pleasure, Small-Seed False-Flax
Brassicaceae /
taken by the gall mite
Aceria drabae NALEPA
Cerastium holosteoides /
Common Mouse-Ear
Caryophyllaceae /
Campion Fam.
taken by the Psyllid
Trioza cerastii L.
Chondrilla juncea /
Rush Skeletonweed
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
with galls of the gall mite
Aceria chondrillae CANESTRINI
Conium maculatum /
Apiaceae /
with catarpillar of Swallowtail
Papilio machaon L.
Cytisus scoparius /
Scotch Broom
Fabaceae /
taken by the gall mite
Aceria genistae NALEPA
Echium vulgare /
Viper's Bugloss
Boraginaceae /
Borrage Fam.
taken by the gall mite
Aceria echii CANESTRINI
Erysimum marschallianum /
Hard Wallflower
Brassicaceae /
taken by the gall midge
Bayeria erysimi RUEBS.
Euonymus europaeus /
Celastraceae /
Spindle Fam.
new shoots after sceletonising by the Small Ermine Moth
Yponomeuta cagnagella HÜBNER
Euphorbia seguieriana /
Seguier's Spurge
Euphorbiaceae /
Spurge Fam.
with Spurge Hawkmoth caterpillar
Hyles euphorbiae L. agg.
Fagus sylvatica /
Fagaceae /
Beech Fam.
with the gall of the Beach Pouch Gall Midge
Mikiola fagi HARTIG
Gentiana cruciata /
Cross-Leaved Gentian
Gentianaceae /
Gentian Fam.
Leaves with eggs of
Phengaris rebeli HIRSCHKE
Juncus articulatus /
Jointlead Rush
Juncaceae /
Rush Fam.
taken by rush psyllid
Livia junci SCHRANK
Lepidium draba /
Hoary Cress
Brassicaceae /
taken by the gall mite
Aceria drabae NALEPA
Pancratium maritimum /
Sea Daffodil
Amaryllidaceae /
Amaryllis Fam.
with caterpillars of the Dreaded Lily Borer
Brithys crini FABR.
Pastinaca sativa /
Apiaceae /
with catarpillar of
Papilio machaon L.
Plantago albicans /
Wooly Plantain
Plantaginaceae /
Plantain Fam.
with galls of the mite
Eriophyes barroisi FOCKEU
Quercus petraea /
Sessile Oak
Fagaceae /
Beech Fam.
with galls of the 'Cynipid Gall Wasp'
Andricus caputmedusae HARTIG
Quercus pubescens /
White Oak
Fagaceae /
Beech Fam.
with galls of the Oak Marble Gall Wasp
Andricus kollari HARTIG
Quercus robur /
Common Oak
Fagaceae /
Beech Fam.
taken by the Knopper gall wasp
Andricus quercuscalicis BURGSDORFF
Quercus robur /
Common Oak
Fagaceae /
Beech Fam.
with gall of Oak Gall Wasp
Cynips quercusfolii L.
Quercus robur /
Common Oak
Fagaceae /
Beech Fam.
taken by the oak artichoke gall wasp
Andricus foecundatrix HARTIG
Ranunculus aconitifolius /
Aconite-Leaved Buttercup
Ranunculaceae /
Buttercup Fam.
mined by the larva of the Ranuculus Mining Fly
Phytomyza ranunculivora HERING
Rhodiola rosea /
Golden Root, Roseroot
Crassulaceae /
Stonecrop Fam.
with caterpillar of
Parnassius phoebus FABR.
Robinia pseudoacacia /
False Acacia
Fabaceae /
with mines of the Locust Digitate Leafminer, introduced from America
Parectopa robiniella CLEMENS
Rorippa sylvestris /
Creeping Yellow-Cress
Brassicaceae /
taken by the gall midge
Dasineura sisymbrii SCHRANK
Rosa canina /
Dog Rose, Wild Briar
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
with gall of gall wasp
Diplolepis rosae L.
Salix udensis /
Japanese Fantail Willow
Salicaceae /
Willow Fam.
with galls of a sawfly, probably
Euura proxima SERVILLE
Scrophularia canina /
French Figwort
Scrophulariaceae /
Figwort Fam.
with Water Betony
Cucullia scrophulariae DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER
Scrophularia heterophylla /
Cut-Leaved Figwort
Scrophulariaceae /
Figwort Fam.
with Water Betony
Cucullia scrophulariae DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER
Scrophularia nodosa /
Common Figwort
Scrophulariaceae /
Figwort Fam.
with Water Betony
Cucullia scrophulariae DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER
Senecio jacobaea /
Common Ragwort
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
with caterpillars of the Cinnabar Moth
Tyria jacobaeae L.
Senecio thapsoides /
Verbascum-Like Ragwort
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
fruit base swollen because infested by a gall fly of genus
Sphenella ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY (Tephritidae)
Solanum triflorum /
Small Nightshade
Solanaceae /
Nightshade Fam.
with larva of Colorado Potato Beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata SAY
Solanum tuberosum /
Solanaceae /
Nightshade Fam.
with Colorado Potato Beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata SAY
Verbascum alpinum /
Alpine Mullein
Scrophulariaceae /
Figwort Fam.
with caterpillar of the Striped Lychnis
Cucullia lychnitis RAMBUR
Veronica anagallis-aquatica /
Blue Water Speedwell
Plantaginaceae /
Plantain Fam.
fruits parasitized by the larva of a weevil as e.g.
Gymnetron villosulum GYLLENHAL
Veronica chamaedrys /
Germander Speedwell
Plantaginaceae /
Plantain Fam.
with gall of the gall midge
Jaapiella veronicae VALLOT
Fungi as Pest Infestation
e.g. mildew, rust fungi, ergot fungi, etc. Several of these are specific for one or few closely related plant species.
Acer pseudoplatanus /
Sycamore Maple
Sapindaceae /
Golden-Rain Tree Fam.
taken by Sycamore Tarspot fungus
Rhytisma acerinum (PERS.) FR.
Adoxa moschatellina /
Moschatel, Town-Hall Clock
Viburnaceae /
Muskroot Fam.
taken by rust fungus
Puccinia adoxae R.HEDW.
Anemone nemorosa /
Wood Anemone
Ranunculaceae /
Buttercup Fam.
taken by the fungus
Dumontinia tuberosa (BULL.) L.M.KOHN
Bromus inermis /
Hungarian Brome
Poaceae /
Grass Fam.
with ergot fungus
Claviceps purpurea (FR.) TUL.
Euphorbia cyparissias /
Cypress Spurge
Euphorbiaceae /
Spurge Fam.
is taken with rust fungus Toadstool
Uromyces pisi (DC.) G.H.OTTH. agg.
Euphorbia cyparissias /
Cypress Spurge
Euphorbiaceae /
Spurge Fam.
taken by fungus
Uromyces striolatus TRANZSCHEL
Euphorbia seguieriana /
Seguier's Spurge
Euphorbiaceae /
Spurge Fam.
is taken with a rust fungus
Euphorbia serrata /
Serrate Spurge
Euphorbiaceae /
Spurge Fam.
is taken with rust fungus Toadstool
Uromyces pisi (DC.) G.H.OTTH. agg.
Euphorbia verrucosa /
Warty Spurge
Euphorbiaceae /
Spurge Fam.
taken by fungus
Uromyces pisi (DC.) G.H.OTTH. agg.
Falcaria vulgaris /
Apiaceae /
taken by fungus
Puccinia falcariae (SPRENG.) FUCKEL
Mahonia aquifolium /
Shining Oregon Grape, Tall Oregon Grape
Berberidaceae /
Barberry Fam.
taken by Mahonia Rust
Cumminsiella mirabilissima (PECK) NANNF.
Noccaea caerulescens /
Alpine Penny-Cress
Brassicaceae /
taken by rust fungus
Puccinia thlaspeos G.SCHUB.
Poa nemoralis /
Wood Meadow Grass
Poaceae /
Grass Fam.
taken by the Ascomycete fungus
Epichloe typhina (PERS.) TUL. & C.TUL.
Prunus serotina /
Rum Drupes
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
taken by the the Ascomycete fungus
Asteromella pruni-mahaleb (PASS.) BEDLAN
Pyrus communis /
Pear, Village Pear
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
taken by European Pear Rust
Gymnosporangium fuscum (DICKS.) G.WINTER
Rhododendron ferrugineum /
Ericaceae /
Heather Fam.
taken by fungus
Exobasidium rhododendri (FUCKEL) C.E.KRAMER
Rhododendron ferrugineum /
Ericaceae /
Heather Fam.
taken by the fungal rust
Chrysomyxa rhododendri (DC.) DE BARY
Rhododendron hirsutum /
Hairy Rhododendron
Ericaceae /
Heather Fam.
taken by fungus
Exobasidium rhododendri (FUCKEL) C.E.KRAMER
Rosa spinosissima /
Burnet Rose
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
taken by rust fungus
Phragmidium rosae-pimpinellifoliae DIETEL
Rubus nemorosus /
Wood Bramble
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
taken by the rust fungus
Phragmidium violaceum (SCHULTZ) G.WINTER
Salix alba /
White Willow
Salicaceae /
Willow Fam.
taken by Willow Rust
Melampsora salicina LEV. s.l.
Scilla vindobonensis /
Vienna Squill
Asparagacae /
Asparagus Fam.
taken by smut fungus
Antherospora vindobonenis BAUER, LUTZ, BEGEROW, PIATEK & VÁNKY
Secale cereale /
Poaceae /
Grass Fam.
with ergot fungus
Claviceps purpurea (FR.) TUL.
Sempervivum arachnoideum /
Cobweb House-Leek
Crassulaceae /
Stonecrop Fam.
taken by rust fungus
Endophyllum sempervivi (ALB. & SCHWEIN) DE BARY
Sesleria caerulea /
Moor Grass
Poaceae /
Grass Fam.
with ergot fungus
Claviceps purpurea (FR.) TUL.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea /
Cowberry, Lingonberry
Ericaceae /
Heather Fam.
the red leaves are taken by the fungus
Exobasidium splendidum NANNFELDT
Vaccinium vitis-idaea /
Cowberry, Lingonberry
Ericaceae /
Heather Fam.
taken by rust fungus
Thekopsora goeppertiana (J.G.KÜHN) HIRATS.F.
Zea mays /
Maize, Sweetcorn
Poaceae /
Grass Fam.
with galls of the fungal disease Maize Smut
Ustilago maydis (DC.) CORDA
Plants as Pest Infestation
These are only single examples for fully parazitizing plants as Broomrape (Orobanche and Phelipanche), Dodder (Cuscuta), and Mistletoe (Viscum). Orobanche and Phelipanche with hosts can also be found here, other parasitic plants with hosts there. More species can be found under the parasitizing plants, e.g. of Orobanche and Phelipanche are found under the Broomrape Family (Orobanchaceae), of Cuscuta under the Bindweed Family (Convolvulaceae), and of Viscum under the Mistletoe Family (Viscaceae). Moreover there are many Semi-Parasites, e.g. in genera Eyebright (Euphrasia), Bartsia (Odontites), Toothwort (Lathraea), Cow-Wheat (Melampyrum), Yellow-Rattle (Rhinanthus), and Lousewort (Pedicularis), which are found in the Broomrape Family (Orobanchaceae), too.
Helianthus annuus /
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
at the lower part of the stem with Gronovius' Dodder
Cuscuta gronovii
Nicotiana tabacum /
Virginian Tobacco
Solanaceae /
Nightshade Fam.
taken by
Phelipanche ramosa
Pinus sylvestris /
Scot's Pine
Pinaceae /
Pine Fam.
at the lower right branches the Pine Mistletoe
Viscum album subsp. austriacum
Deformations and unknown Pest Infestation
e.g. detriment by dryness or frost, deformations for unknown reason, etc.
Color variants can not be found here, but there.
Alliaria petiolata /
Garlic Mustard
Brassicaceae /
taken by a pest, most probably caused by a fungus
Anemone coronaria /
Poppy Anemone, Crown Anemone
Ranunculaceae /
Buttercup Fam.
double blossom
Anemone nemorosa /
Wood Anemone
Ranunculaceae /
Buttercup Fam.
double blossom
Arabis glabra /
Tower Mustard
Brassicaceae /
detriment by dryness
Asplenium ceterach /
Rustyback, Scale Fern
Aspleniaceae /
Spleenwort Fern Fam.
marred by dryness
Betula pendula /
Silver Birch
Betulaceae /
Birch Fam.
detriment by dryness
Cirsium arvense /
Creeping Thistle
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
taken by a fungus disease?
Cornus alba agg. /
Red-Barked Dogwood, Siberian Dogwood
Cornaceae /
Dogwood Fam.
Gagea villosa /
Hairy Star of Bethlehem
Liliaceae /
Lily Fam.
Galium mollugo /
Upright Hedge Bedstraw
Rubiaceae /
Bedstraw Fam.
Growth failure for unknown reason
Impatiens parviflora /
Small Balsam
Balsaminaceae /
Balsam Fam.
with dryness detriment at the leaves
Juncus effusus /
Soft Rush
Juncaceae /
Rush Fam.
detriment by dryness
Knautia drymeia subsp. drymeia /
Hungarian Widow Flower
Caprifoliaceae /
Honeysuckle Fam.
leaf-like sepals
Lepidium virginicum /
Least Pepperwort
Brassicaceae /
dysmorphic plant in the port, probably due to herbicide?
Linaria vulgaris /
Common Toadflax
Plantaginaceae /
Plantain Fam.
peloria: atavism, probably caused by herbicide
Lycopodium clavatum /
Stag's-Horn Clubmoss, Common Clubmoss
Lycopodiaceae /
Clubmoss Fam.
plants grown together (fasciation)
Muscari comosum /
Tassel Hyacinth
Asparagacae /
Asparagus Fam.
Deformation due to genetic defect?
Ornithogalum exscapum /
White Star of Bethlehem
Asparagacae /
Asparagus Fam.
incomplete twin-flower
Oxalis acetosella /
Wood Sorrel
Oxalidaceae /
Wood-Sorrel Fam.
partial destruction of the chlorophyll by late frost (Hegi Vol.4, part 3, p.1653)
Oxalis pes-caprae /
Bermuda Buttercup
Oxalidaceae /
Wood-Sorrel Fam.
var. pleniflora: double blossom
Prunus serotina /
Rum Drupes
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
partial destruction of the chlorophyll by an unknown desease
Ranunculus repens /
Creeping Buttercup
Ranunculaceae /
Buttercup Fam.
double blossom
Rubus lindleyanus /
Lindley's Bramble
Rosaceae /
Rose Fam.
taken by a fungus?
Sabulina austriaca /
Austrian Sandwort
Caryophyllaceae /
Campion Fam.
double form
Salix alba /
White Willow
Salicaceae /
Willow Fam.
Salix caprea /
Goat Willow
Salicaceae /
Willow Fam.
with fasciation (strap-like)
Scabiosa columbaria /
Small Scabious
Caprifoliaceae /
Honeysuckle Fam.
Deformation: flower shoots out of a flower
Senecio vernalis /
Eastern Groundsel
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
dysmorphic plant in the port, probably due to herbicide?
Stellaria media /
Common Chickweed
Caryophyllaceae /
Campion Fam.
I don't know the reason of the pale coloring
Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia /
Asteraceae /
Composite Fam.
fasciations probably due to step damage


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