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Photos of European Plants (APG Fam., alphab. sorted):
Violaceae \ Veilchengewächse / Violet Family

Diese Familie nach Verwandtschaft / This Family acc. to Relationship

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Preview image Viola alba subsp. alba \ Weißes Veilchen / White Violet CH D
Viola alba subsp. alba x odorata −−> Viola x cluniensis D
Viola alba subsp. scotophylla \ Lilasporniges Weiß-Veilchen / Dark-Leaved White Violet A D HR
Viola alba subsp. violacea \ Violettes Weiß-Veilchen / Purple White Violet A
Viola alpestris −−> Viola saxatilis A CH E F HR I
Viola ambigua \ Steppen-Veilchen / Steppe Violet A
Viola arvensis \ Acker-Stiefmütterchen / Field Pansy A D F GR I
Viola arvensis subsp. megalantha \ Großblütiges Acker-Stiefmütterchen / Field Pansy D
Viola arvensis var. contempta −−> Viola arvensis subsp. megalantha D
Viola arvensis x wittrockiana \ Stiefmütterchen-Hybride / Hybrid Pansy D
Viola bertolonii subsp. messanensis \ Messina-Veilchen / Messina Violet Siz
Viola biflora \ Gelbes Veilchen / Alpine Yellow Violet A Cor D F HR I
Viola calaminaria \ Gelbes Galmei-Stiefmütterchen, Gelbes Galmei-Veilchen / Zinc Pansy D
Viola calcarata \ Langsporniges Veilchen, Gesporntes Stiefmütterchen / Spurred Pansy A F I
Viola calcarata subsp. zoysii −−> Viola zoysii A
Viola canina \ Hunds-Veilchen / Dog Violet D F HR
Viola cenisia subsp. lapeyrousiana −−> Viola diversifolia F
Viola cephalonica \ Kefalonia-Veilchen / Cephalonia Pansy Kef
Viola collina \ Hügel-Veilchen / Hill Violet D
Viola cornuta \ Pyrenäen-Stiefmütterchen, Horn-Veilchen / Horned Pansy F
Viola corsica \ Korsika-Horn-Veilchen / Corsian Pansy Mal
Viola diversifolia \ Verschiedenblättriges Veilchen / Diverse-Leaved Violet, Lapeyrouse's Pansy F
Viola dubyana \ Feinblättriges Veilchen / Duby's Pansy I
Viola elatior \ Hohes Veilchen / Tall Violet D I
Viola epipsila \ Torf-Veilchen / Dwarf Marsh Violet S
Viola epirota \ Epirus-Veilchen / Epirus Violet GR
Viola eugeniae \ Eugenisches Veilchen / Eugenian Violet I
Viola graeca \ Griechisches Veilchen / Greek Violet GR
Viola guestphalica \ Violettes Galmei-Stiefmütterchen, Westfälisches Galmei-Veilchen / Blue Zinc Pansy, Westphalia Pansy D
Viola heldreichiana \ Heldreichs Veilchen / Heldreich's Violet Rho
Viola heterophylla subsp. epirota −−> Viola epirota GR
Viola hirta \ Rauhaariges Veilchen / Hairy Violet A D I
Viola hirta var. variegata \ Rauhaariges Veilchen / Hairy Violet D
Viola hirta x odorata −−> Viola x scabra D
Viola hymettia \ Hymettos-Veilchen / Hymettos Violet GR
Viola jaubertiana \ Jauberts Veilchen / Jaubert's Violet Mal
Viola kitaibeliana \ Kleines Stiefmütterchen / Dwarf Pansy A Cor D GR HR
Viola lutea \ Vogesen-Veilchen, Gelbes Alpen-Stiefmütterchen / Mountain Pansy F
Viola lutea subsp. sudetica \ Gelbes Sudeten-Stiefmütterchen / Eastern Yellow Pansy A
Viola merxmuelleri \ Merxmüllers Veilchen / Merxmueller's Violet I
Viola mirabilis \ Wunder-Veilchen / Broad-Leaved Violet D
Viola montana \ Berg-Veilchen / Mountain Violet D F
Viola odorata \ Wohlriechendes Veilchen, März-Veilchen / Sweet Violet A D F HR I Mal Siz
Viola odorata var. sulphurea \ Wohlriechendes Veilchen, März-Veilchen / Sweet Violet D
Viola palustris \ Sumpf-Veilchen / Marsh Violet A D F
Viola persicifolia −−> Viola stagnina D
Viola pumila \ Niedriges Veilchen / Meadow Violet A D
Viola reichenbachiana \ Wald-Veilchen / Early Dog Violet A D F GR HR I Kre
Viola reichenbachiana x riviniana −−> Viola x bavarica A D
Viola riviniana \ Hain-Veilchen / Common Dog Violet A D
Viola rupestris \ Sand-Veilchen / Teesdale Violet D
Viola ruppii −−> Viola montana D F
Viola saxatilis \ Gebirgs-Veilchen / Rock Pansy A CH E F HR I
Viola schultzii −−> Viola montana D F
Viola scorpiuroides \ Skorpions-Veilchen / Scorpion Violet Kre
Viola scotophylla −−> Viola alba subsp. scotophylla A D HR
Viola sororia \ Pfingst-Veilchen / Common Blue Violet D
Viola stagnina \ Pfirsichblättriges Moor-Veilchen / Fen Violet D
Viola stolonifera −−> Viola odorata A D F HR I Mal Siz
Viola suavis \ Blau-Veilchen, Duftendes Veilchen / Russian Violet A D F
Viola tricolor \ Wildes Stiefmütterchen / Heartsease, Wild Pansy A D F GR HR S
Viola tricolor subsp. ammotropha −−> Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii D IRL S
Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii \ Dünen-Stiefmütterchen / Seaside Pansy, Sand Pansy D IRL S
Viola tricolor subsp. hortensis −−> Viola wittrockiana D E
Viola tricolor subsp. maritima −−> Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii D IRL S
Viola tricolor subsp. saxatilis −−> Viola saxatilis A CH E F HR I
Viola tricolor subsp. subalpina −−> Viola saxatilis A CH E F HR I
Viola valderia \ Seealpen-Veilchen / Piemontain Violet F
Viola wittrockiana \ Garten-Stiefmütterchen / Pansy D E
Viola x bavarica \ Veilchen-Hybride / Hybrid Violet A D
Viola x cluniensis \ Veilchen-Hybride / Hybrid Violet D
Viola x dubia −−> Viola x bavarica A D
Viola x scabra \ Raues Veilchen / Hairy Violet D
Viola zoysii \ Zoys' Veilchen / Baron de Zoys's Pansy A

Diese Familie nach Verwandtschaft / This Family acc. to Relationship
Kombinierte Kriterien aus Familie, Blütenbau, Farbe und Blattform finden Sie hier.
For combined criteria out of Family, Flower Anatomy, Color, and Leaf Form see here.


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.. Blütenbau
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.. Roots + Bulbs
Schädlingsbefall + Missbildungen
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Water Plants
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Mehrere Kriterien
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Biotope + Gruppen
Biotopes + Groups

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Copyright: Use of the images and texts only with the author's written permission.