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Fotos europäischer Pflanzen (APG Fam., alfab. sortiert):
Photos of European Plants (APG Fam., alphab. sorted):
Fabaceae (Leguminosae) \ Schmetterlingsblütler (Schmetterlingsblütengewächse)/ Legumes

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  Gattung mit mehreren verfügbaren Arten, kann durch Anklicken geöffnet werden / Genus with more than one available species, can be opened by mouse click
  Gattung mit mehreren verfügbaren Arten ist geöffnet / Genus with more than one available species has been opened

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Acacia \ Akazie / Wattle (5 Taxa + 1 Syn.) Cor GR I Kre Rho Tun Zyp
Adenocarpus \ Drüsenginster / Flatpod (2 Taxa) NL Pal Ten
Amorpha fruticosa \ Gemeiner Bastard-Indigo, Bleibusch / Desert False Indigo D
Anagyris foetida \ Stinkstrauch / Mediterranean Stinkbush, Stinking Bean Trefoil Chi GR Rho
Anthyllis \ Wundklee / Kidney Vetch (20 Taxa + 5 Syn.) A And CH Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Mal Rho S
Argyrolobium zanonii \ Silberklee, Silberhülse / Silverleaf F Mal
Astragalus \ Tragant / Milk-Vetch (31 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A Chi Cor D E F GR HR I Kre Les Mal P Rho Sam Siz
Biserrula pelecinus −−> Astragalus pelecinus Cor
Bituminaria bituminosa \ Asphalt-Klee / Pitch Trefoil Chi F GR I Mal Rho Ten
Bonaveria securidaca −−> Securigera securidaca GR HR I Kef
Calicotome \ Dorn-Ginster / Thorny Broom (2 Taxa) Chi GR I Kef Kre Mal Rho Sam
Caragana arborescens \ Gemeiner Erbsenstrauch / Siberian Pea-Tree D
Cassia corymbosa −−> Senna corymbosa GR
Ceratonia siliqua \ Johannisbrot-Baum, Karube / Carob GR HR Kre Mal Rho Zyp
Cercis siliquastrum \ Judasbaum / Judas Tree D F GR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Chamaecytisus \ Ginster, Geißklee / Broom (7 Syn.) A D F GR HR I SLO Ten
Chamaespartium sagittale −−> Genista sagittalis D F HR I
Chrysaspis \ Klee / Clover, Trefoil (7 Syn.) A CH D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Rho S Sam
Cicer \ Kichererbse / Chick-Pea (2 Taxa) Chi D GR S
Colutea arborescens \ Blasenstrauch / Bladder Senna D GR HR
Coronilla \ Kronwicke / Scorpion Vetch, Crownvetch (8 Taxa + 7 Syn.) A Chi Cor D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Cytisophyllum sessilifolium \ Südlicher Geißklee, Blattstielloser Geißklee / Sessile-Leaved Tick Trefoil F I
Cytisus \ Ginster, Geißklee / Broom (15 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A Cor D F GR HR I SLO Sam Ten
Dorycnium \ Hornklee / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (6 Syn.) A Chi Cor D F GR HR I Mal Rho SLO
Dorycnopsis gerardi \ Gerards Wundklee / Gerard's Kidney Vetch Cor
Ebenus \ Ebenholzstrauch / Ebony (2 Taxa) GR Kre Mal
Emerus major −−> Hippocrepis emerus A D F GR HR I Sam
Erinacea anthyllis \ Blauer Stachelginster, Igelpolster / Hedgehog Broom E
Erophaca \ Tragant / Milk-Vetch (2 Syn.) GR P
Ervilia hirsuta −−> Vicia hirsuta Cor D GR
Ervum \ Wicke / Tare (2 Taxa) D GR I Mal
Fabaceae spec1 \ Schmetterlingsblütler / Legume ? Rho
Galega \ Geißraute / Goat's Rue (2 Taxa) A D HR I
Genista \ Ginster / Broom (22 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A Cor D E F HR I Les Mal Rho
Gleditsia triacanthos \ Amerikanische Gleditschie, Lederhülsenbaum / Honey Locust D
Glycine max \ Soja-Bohne / Soy Bean A D S
Hammatolobium \ Knotenfrucht / Hammatolobium (1 Taxon + 1 Syn.) GR
Hedysarum \ Süßklee / Sweetvetch (4 Taxa) A D F GR I Mal Rho
Hippocrepis \ Hufeisenklee / Horseshoe Vetch, Senna (8 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A Chi D F GR HR I Kef Mal Rho Sam
Hymenocarpos circinnatus \ Pfennig-Klee / Disk Trefoil Chi Kre Les Rho
Hymenocarpus circinnatus −−> Hymenocarpos circinnatus Chi Kre Les Rho
Indigofera potaninii \ Indigo-Strauch / Indigo D
Laburnum \ Goldregen / Golden Chain (2 Taxa) A D F HR I
Lathyrus \ Platterbse / Vetchling, Pea (35 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A CH Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Les Mal PL Rho S Sam
Lembotropis nigricans −−> Cytisus nigricans A D HR
Lens \ Wicke / Vetch (2 Syn.) D GR I S
Lotus \ Hornklee / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (25 Taxa + 4 Syn.) A And Chi Cor D E F GR HR I IRL Kef Kre Les Lie Mal Rho S SLO Sam Siz Ten
Lupinus \ Lupine / Lupin (6 Taxa + 1 Syn.) A Chi Cor D GR Kre Rho Sam Siz
Medicago \ Schneckenklee / Medick (23 Taxa + 3 Syn.) A Chi Cor D DK E F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Melilotus \ Steinklee, Honigklee / Melilot (11 Taxa + 3 Syn.) Chi Cor D DK F GR HR I Kef Les Mal Rho Sam
Onobrychis \ Esparsette / Sainfoin (10 Taxa + 1 Syn.) Chi D E F GR HR I Kre Les Rho Sam
Ononis \ Hauhechel / Restharrow (16 Taxa) A Chi Cor D E F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho S
Ornithopus \ Vogelfuß / Bird's-Foot (3 Taxa) D Les S Sam
Oxytropis \ Spitzkiel / Milk-Vetch, Oxytropis (9 Taxa + 2 Syn.) A D F I
Parkinsonia aculeata \ Jerusalemdorn / Mexican Palo Verde, Jerusalem Thorn GR
Phaseolus vulgaris \ Garten-Bohne / Garden Bean D
Pisum \ Platterbse / Vetchling, Pea (2 Syn.) Chi D GR HR I Les Rho
Psoralea bituminosa −−> Bituminaria bituminosa Chi F GR I Mal Rho Ten
Robinia pseudoacacia \ Robinie / False Acacia D
Sarothamnus scoparius −−> Cytisus scoparius D F GR
Scorpiurus \ Skorpionsschwanz / Scorpion's Tail (2 Taxa) Chi D F I Mal Rho Sam
Securigera \ Beilwicke / Hatchet Vetch (4 Taxa) A D F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Rho Sam
Senna corymbosa \ Gewürzrinde, Kassie / Flowering Senna, Argentina Senna GR
Sophora japonica \ Japanischer Schnurbaum / Japanese Pagoda Tree D
Spartium junceum \ Pfriemen-Ginster / Spanish Broom F I Rho Sam
Styphnolobium japonicum −−> Sophora japonica D
Sulla \ Süßklee / Sweetvetch (2 Syn.) GR I Mal Rho
Teline \ Ginster / Broom (2 Syn.) Cor Les
Tetragonolobus \ Hornklee / Bird's-Foot Trefoil (2 Syn.) A Cor D F Kef Kre Lie S Siz
Trifolium \ Klee / Clover, Trefoil (59 Taxa + 11 Syn.)
Trifolium alexandrinum \ Ägyptischer Klee, Alexandriner Klee / Egyptian Clover, Berseem Clover D
Trifolium alpestre \ Hügel-Klee / Alpine Clover A D F S
Trifolium alpinum \ Alpen-Klee / Alpine Clover And CH F I
Trifolium angustifolium \ Schmalblättriger Klee / Narrow Clover F GR I
Trifolium angustifolium subsp. intermedium −−> Trifolium infamia-ponertii Sam
Trifolium arvense \ Hasen-Klee / Hare's-Foot Clover D F NL
Trifolium aureum \ Gold-Klee / Golden Clover A D
Trifolium badium \ Braun-Klee / Brown Clover A F I
Trifolium balbisianum −−> Trifolium montanum subsp. rupestre F
Trifolium bivonae \ Bivonas Klee / Bivona Clover Siz
Trifolium bocconei \ Boccones Klee / Twin-Headed Clover, Boccone's Clover Kef
Trifolium boissieri \ Boissiers Klee / Boissier's Clover Sam
Trifolium campestre \ Gelber Acker-Klee, Feld-Klee / Hop Trefoil CH D F GR HR Kef Kre Les Rho S Sam
Trifolium cherleri \ Cherlers Klee / Cherler's Clover, Hairy Clover F GR Kef Rho Sam
Trifolium clypeatum \ Schild-Klee / Helmet Clover, Shield Clover Chi Les Rho Sam
Trifolium dubium \ Faden-Klee, Zweifelhafter Klee / Lesser Hop Clover D S
Trifolium echinatum \ Igel-Klee / Hedgehog Clover, Prickly Clover ? I
Trifolium endressii \ Endress' Klee / Endress' Clover F
Trifolium filiforme −−> Trifolium dubium D S
Trifolium fragiferum \ Erdbeer-Klee / Strawberry Clover D HR NL S
Trifolium glomeratum \ Knäuel-Klee / Clustered Clover Cor GR I
Trifolium grandiflorum \ Großblütiger Klee / Large-Flower Hop Clover, Purple Clover GR Les Rho
Trifolium heldreichianum \ Heldreichs Klee / Heldreich's Clover GR
Trifolium hybridum \ Schweden-Klee / Alsike Clover A D
Trifolium incarnatum subsp. incarnatum \ Gewöhnlicher Inkarnat-Klee / Crimson Clover D S
Trifolium incarnatum subsp. molinerii \ Molineris Inkarnat-Klee / Long-Headed Clover Cor F HR I
Trifolium infamia-ponertii \ Bewimperter Schmalblatt-Klee / Intermediate Clover Sam
Trifolium intermedium −−> Trifolium infamia-ponertii Sam
Trifolium lappaceum \ Kletten-Klee / Bur Clover, Burdock Clover HR
Trifolium leucanthum \ Fahlblütiger Klee / Pale-Flowered Clover GR
Trifolium maritimum −−> Trifolium squamosum ? F HR
Trifolium medium \ Mittlerer Klee / Zig-zag Clover D E F
Trifolium montanum \ Berg-Klee / Mountain Clover D HR I
Trifolium montanum subsp. gayanum −−> Trifolium endressii F
Trifolium montanum subsp. rupestre \ Felsen-Berg-Klee / Pink Mountain Clover F
Trifolium nigrescens \ Schwarzwerdender Klee / Small White Clover, Ball Clover Cor F GR HR Kef Sam
Trifolium nigrescens subsp. petrisavii −−> Trifolium petrisavii Rho
Trifolium ochroleucon \ Blaßgelber Klee / Sulphur Clover A D F
Trifolium pallidum \ Bleicher Klee, Moränen-Klee / Pale Clover Kef
Trifolium pannonicum \ Ungarischer Klee / Hungarian Clover HR
Trifolium patens \ Spreiz-Klee, Südlicher Gold-Klee / Southern Hop Trefoil A HR
Trifolium petrisavii \ Savis Klee / Savi's Clover Rho
Trifolium physodes \ Geschwollener Klee / Bladder Clover GR Kef
Trifolium pignantii \ Pignants Klee / Pignant's Clover GR
Trifolium pratense \ Rot-Klee, Wiesen-Klee / Red Clover A D E F HR
Trifolium pratense subsp. nivale \ Schnee-Klee / Snow Clover A F
Trifolium pratense var. frigidum −−> Trifolium pratense subsp. nivale A F
Trifolium procumbens −−> Trifolium campestre CH D F GR HR Kef Kre Les Rho S Sam
Trifolium purpureum \ Purpur-Klee / Purple Clover I
Trifolium repens \ Weiß-Klee, Weißklee / White Clover D F GR HR IRL Rho
Trifolium repens forma roseum \ Rosa Weiß-Klee / Pink White-Clover ? GR
Trifolium repens subsp. prostratum \ Niederliegender Weiß-Klee / Western Clover F
Trifolium resupinatum \ Persischer Wende-Klee / Reversed Clover D GR HR I Kef Les Rho
Trifolium rubens \ Purpur-Klee / Long-Spiked Trefoil, Red Trefoil D HR
Trifolium scabrum \ Rauer Klee / Rough Clover F HR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Trifolium spadiceum \ Brauner Moor-Klee / Large Brown Clover D
Trifolium spec1 \ Klee / Clover ? Kef
Trifolium speciosum −−> Trifolium grandiflorum GR Les Rho
Trifolium spumosum \ Schaum-Klee / Bladder Clover Les Rho
Trifolium squamosum \ Schuppen-Klee / Sea Clover ? F HR
Trifolium squarrosum \ Sparriger Klee / Squarrose Clover Kef
Trifolium stellatum \ Stern-Klee / Starry Clover Chi Cor F GR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho Sam
Trifolium stellatum subsp. xanthinum \ Goldgelber Stern-Klee / Golden Starry Clover GR
Trifolium striatum \ Gestreifter Klee / Knotted Clover D GR
Trifolium subterraneum \ Bodenbürtiger Klee / Subterranean Clover F GR Kef
Trifolium suffocatum \ Schmächtiger Klee / Suffocated Clover ? Rho
Trifolium thalii \ Rasiger Klee, Alm-Klee / Thal's Clover A E
Trifolium tomentosum \ Filziger Klee / Wooly Clover Cor I Mal Rho Sam
Trifolium uniflorum \ Einblütiger Klee / One-Flowered Clover Chi GR Kre Les Rho Sam
Trifolium xanthinum −−> Trifolium stellatum subsp. xanthinum GR
Trigonella \ Bockshornklee, Schabzigerklee / Fenugreek (5 Taxa + 2 Syn.) Chi D GR Kef Les Rho S Sam
Tripodion \ Wundklee / Kidney Vetch (2 Syn.) GR Kre Mal Rho
Ulex \ Stechginster / Gorse (2 Taxa) D E F I IRL Ten
Vicia \ Wicke / Vetch (43 Taxa + 13 Syn.) A CH Chi Cor D E F GR HR I Kef Kre Les Mal Rho S SLO Sam Siz

Diese Familie nach Verwandtschaft / This Family acc. to Relationship
Kombinierte Kriterien aus Familie, Blütenbau, Farbe und Blattform finden Sie hier.
For combined criteria out of Family, Flower Anatomy, Color, and Leaf Form see here.


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.. Roots + Bulbs
Schädlingsbefall + Missbildungen
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Biotopes + Groups

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Copyright: Use of the images and texts only with the author's written permission.