Vorschaubild | Art, Unterart oder Varietät |
Synonym(e) | | Fotos von |
Preview pict. | Species, Subspecies, or Variety |
Synonym(s) | | Photos from |
Subfam. Dryadoideae
Dryas octopetala \ Silberwurz / Mountain Avens |
| | | A
Subfam. Rosoideae
Filipendula \ Mädesüß / Meadowsweet (2 Taxa) |
| | | |
Geum \ Nelkenwurz / Avens (12 Taxa) |
| | | |
Rubus \ Brombeere / Bramble (183 Taxa) |
| | | |
Rubus chamaemorus \ Molte-Beere / Cloudberry |
| | | S
Rubus arcticus \ Schwedische Acker-Beere, Arktische Brombeere / Arctic Bramble |
| | | S
Rubus saxatilis \ Steinbeere / Stone Bramble |
| | | A
Rubus odoratus \ Zimt-Himbeere / Purple Flowering Raspberry |
| | | D
Rubus idaeus \ Himbeere / Raspberry |
| | | A
Rubus phoenicolasius \ Japanische Weinbeere, Rotborstige Himbeere / Wine Raspberry |
| | | D
Rubus fruticosus agg. \ Brombeere / Bramble, Blackberry |
| | | CH
Rubus nessensis \ Fuchsbeere, Halbaufrechte Brombeere / Suberect Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus allegheniensis \ Allegheny-Brombeere / Allegheny Blackberry |
| | | D
Rubus plicatus \ Falten-Brombeere / Plicate Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus sulcatus \ Gefurchte Brombeere / Furrowed Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pseudothyrsanthus \ Falsche Straußblüten-Brombeere / False Grabowski's Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus constrictus \ Zusammengezogene Brombeere / Constricted Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus divaricatus \ Sparrige Brombeere, Auseinandergezogene Brombeere / Spreading Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus canaliculatus \ Rinnige Brombeere / Grooved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus senticosus \ Dornige Brombeere / Prickly Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus vigorosus \ Üppige Brombeere / Strong Bramble |
| Rubus affinis | | D
Rubus ulmifolius \ Mittelmeer-Brombeere, Sand-Brombeere / Elmleaf Bramble |
| | | E
Rubus sanctus \ Heilige Brombeere / Holy Bramble |
| Rubus ulmifolius subsp. sanctus | | GR
Rubus bifrons \ Zweifarbige Brombeere / Twice-Leaved Bramble, Himalayan Berry |
| Rubus speciosus | | D
Rubus armeniacus \ Garten-Brombeere, Armenische Brombeere / Armenian Blackberry, Himalayan Blackberry |
| | | CH
Rubus procerus \ Robuste Brombeere / Himalayan Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus perperus \ Trügerische Brombeere, Lügen-Brombeere / Deficient Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus godronii \ Godrons Brombeere / Godron's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus amiantinus \ Asbestschimmernde Brombeere / Asbestos-Gleaming Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus obtusangulus \ Stumpfkantige Brombeere / Obtuse-Angle Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus montanus \ Mittelgebirgs-Brombeere / Mountain Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus bicolor \ Große Mittelgebirgs-Brombeere / Mountain Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pericrispatus \ Wellige Brombeere / Undulate Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus grabowskii \ Grabowskis Brombeere / Grabowski's Bramble |
| Rubus thyrsanthus | | D
Rubus phyllostachys \ Durchblätterte Brombeere / Ear-Leaf Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus spina-curva \ Kreidige Brombeere / Chalky Bramble ? |
| Rubus spinacurva, Rubus cretatus | | D
Rubus flaccidus s.l. \ Schlaffblättrige Brombeere / Flaccid-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus austroslovacus \ Südslowakische Brombeere / Southern Slovakian Bramble |
| Rubus olympicus | | D
Rubus arduennensis \ Ardennen-Brombeere / Ardennes Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus albiflorus \ Weißblütige Brombeere / White-Flowered Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus winteri \ Winters Brombeere / Winter's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus geniculatus \ Gekniete Brombeere / Kneed Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus hassicus \ Hessische Brombeere / Hessian Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus devitatus \ Gemiedene Brombeere / Shunned Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus vulgaris \ Gewöhnliche Brombeere / Common Bramble |
| Rubus commutatus | | D
Rubus maassii \ Maaßens Brombeere / Maass' Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus elegantispinosus \ Schlankstachelige Brombeere / Elegant-Spine Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus laciniatus \ Schlitzblättrige Brombeere / Cutleaf Blackberry, Evergreen Blackberry |
| | | CH
Rubus lindleyanus \ Lindleys Brombeere / Lindley's Bramble |
| Rubus lindleianus | | D
Rubus adspersus \ Hainbuchenblättrige Brombeere / Beech-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus langei \ Langes Brombeere / Lange's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus gracilis \ Haarstängelige Brombeere / Gracile Bramble |
| Rubus atrocaulis | | D
Rubus gratus \ Angenehme Brombeere / Pleasant Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus hermes \ Hermes-Brombeere / Hermes Bramble |
| Rubus leucandrus subsp. belgicus | | D
Rubus macrophyllus \ Breitblättige Brombeere / Large Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus schlechtendalii \ Schlechtendals Brombeere / Schlechtendal's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus leptothyrsos \ Dünnrispige Brombeere / Thin-Panicle Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus condensatus \ Gedrängtblütige Brombeere / Compact-Flowered Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus ambulans \ Wandernde Brombeere / Walking Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus sciocharis \ Schattenliebende Brombeere / Shadow Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus hypomalacus \ Samtblättrige Brombeere / Velvet-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus sprengelii \ Sprengels Brombeere / Sprengel's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus canescens \ Filz-Brombeere / Wooly Bramble |
| | | A
Rubus vestitus \ Samt-Brombeere / Velvet Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus conspicuus \ Ansehnliche Brombeere / Bonny Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus distractus \ Auseinandergezogene Brombeere, Spreizrispige Brombeere / Splayed-Panicle Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pannosus \ Dichtfilzige Brombeere, Pelzige Brombeere / Felty Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus bombycinus \ Seidenhaarige Brombeere / Silk-Haired Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus adornatoides \ Falsche Schmuck-Brombeere, Schmuckartige Brombeere / False Adorned Bramble |
| Rubus gravetii | | D
Rubus schumacheri \ Schumachers Brombeere / Schumacher's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus eifeliensis \ Eifel-Brombeere / Eifel Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus tauni \ Taunus-Brombeere / Taunus Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pyramidalis \ Pyramiden-Brombeere / Pyramidal Bramble |
| Rubus umbrosus | | D
Rubus infestus \ Feindliche Brombeere / Adversarial Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pseudoinfestus \ Falsche Feindliche Brombeere / False Adversarial Bramble |
| Rubus pseudinfestus | | D
Rubus leiningeri \ Leininger Brombeere / Leiningen Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus klimmekianus \ Klimmeks Brombeere / Klimmek's Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus cyanophyllus \ Blaublättrige Brombeere / Blue-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus radula \ Raspel-Brombeere / File-Stemmed Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus rudis \ Raue Brombeere / Rough Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus fissipetalus \ Schlitzblütige Brombeere / Slit-Flowered Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus pallidus \ Bleiche Brombeere / Pale Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus fuscus \ Braune Brombeere / Brown Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus foliosus \ Blattreiche Brombeere / Leafy Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus flexuosus \ Zickzackachsige Brombeere / Zigzag-Axis Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus schnedleri \ Schnedlers Brombeere / Schnedler's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus transvestitus \ Verkleidete Brombeere, Falsche Samt-Brombeere / False Velvet Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus loehrii \ Löhrs Brombeere / Loehr's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus caninitergi \ Hunsrück-Brombeere / Hunsrück Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus tereticaulis \ Rundstängelige Brombeere / Round-Stem Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus subcordatus \ Herzähnliche Brombeere / Heart-Leaved Bramble |
| Rubus insolatus | | D
Rubus flabellatus \ Fächerartige Brombeere / Fan-Shaped Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus eichelberg \ Eichelberger Träufelspitzen-Brombeere / Eichelberg Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus sect. Pallidi \ Gruppe Bleiche Brombeeren / Group of Pale Brambles |
| | | D
Rubus adornatus \ Schmuck-Brombeere, Geschmückte Brombeere / Adorned Bramble |
| Rubus wirtgenii | | D
Rubus meierottii \ Meierotts Haselblatt-Brombeere / Meierott's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus bonus-henricus \ Guter-Heinrich-Brombeere / King Henry Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus apricus \ Besonnte Brombeere / Sunny Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus bergstrasse \ Bergstraßen-Brombeere / Bergstrasse Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus tromm \ Trommer Stachelschwein-Brombeere / Tromm Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus sect. Hystrix \ Gruppe Stachelschwein-Brombeeren / Group of Hedgehog Brambles |
| | | D
Rubus schleicheri \ Schleichers Brombeere / Schleicher's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pedemontanus \ Träufelspitzen-Brombeere / Rust Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pseudolusaticus \ Falsche Lausitzer Brombeere / False Lusatian Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus elegans \ Vielschwänzige Brombeere / Elegant Bramble |
| Rubus multicaudatus | | D
Rubus ducatuscola \ Westfälische Brombeere / Westphalian Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus iuvenis \ Sauerland-Brombeere, Jugendliche Brombeere / Sauerland Bramble |
| Rubus ignoratiformis | | D
Rubus hercynicus \ Harzer Brombeere / Harz Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus lividus \ Bleigraue Brombeere / Grey Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus erythrocomos \ Rotschopf-Brombeere / Red-Tuft Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus hirtus agg. \ Dunkeldrüsige Brombeere / Rough Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus guentheri \ Günthers Brombeere / Guenther's Bramble |
| | | A
Rubus perlongus \ Überlange Brombeere / Overlong Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus haeupleri \ Häuplers Brombeere / Haeupler's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus sect. Glandulosi \ Gruppe Drüsige Brombeeren / Group of Glandular Brambles |
| | | D
Rubus corylifolius agg. \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Hazel-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus holandrei \ Grobe Haselblatt-Brombeere / Gross Bramble |
| Rubus grossus | | D
Rubus gothicus \ Gotische Brombeere / Gothic Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus loosii \ Hellweg-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Loos' Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus mougeotii \ Mougeots Haselblatt-Brombeere / Mougeot's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus intricatus \ Wirrästige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Mazy-Branched Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus tenuihabitus \ Zarte Haselblatt-Brombeere / Tiny Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus histrionicus \ Schauspieler-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Actor's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus mollis \ Weiche Haselblatt-Brombeere / Soft Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus rhombicus \ Rhombische Haselblatt-Brombeere / Rhombic Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus amphimalacus \ Samtblättrige Brombeere / Velvet-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus baruthicus \ Bayreuther Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bayreuth Bramble |
| Rubus macrostemonides | | D
Rubus leucophaeus \ Weißgraue Haselblatt-Brombeere / White-Grey Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus fasciculatiformis \ Falsche Büschelblütige Haselblatt-Brombeere / False Fasciculate-Flowered Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus scabrosus \ Weser-Haselblatt-Brombeere, Kratzige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Weser Bramble |
| Rubus visurgianus | | D
Rubus fasciculatus \ Büschelblütige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Fasciculate-Flowered Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus lictorum \ Liktoren-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Lictors' Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus remotifolius \ Entferntblättrige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Remote-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus orthostachys \ Geradachsige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Straight-Axis Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus appropinquatus \ Angenäherte Haselblatt-Brombeere / Approximate Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus buescherianus \ Büschers Haselblatt-Brombeere / Buescher's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus camptostachys \ Bewimperte Haselblatt-Brombeere / Hairy Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus nemorosus \ Hain-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Wood Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus calvus \ Kahlköpfige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bald-Headed Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus batos-weberi \ Webers Haselblatt-Brombeere / Weber's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus cuspidatus \ Zugespitzte Haselblatt-Brombeere / Cuspidate Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus cuspidatiformis \ Cuspidatus-Ähnliche Haselblatt-Brombeere / Cuspidatus-Like Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus fabrimontanus \ Schmiedeberger Haselblatt-Brombeere / Schmiedeberg Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus tuberculatiformis \ Falsche Höckerige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Tubercular-Like Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus rotundifoliatus \ Rundblättrige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Round-Leaved Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus limitis \ Limes-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Limes Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus tuberculatus \ Höckerige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Tubercular Bramble |
| Rubus horrefactus | | D
Rubus rugosifolius \ Runzelblättrige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Rugose-Leaved Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus keilianus \ Mülheimer Haselblatt-Brombeere / Muelheim Bramble, Keil's Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus moerlenbach \ Mörlenbacher Haselblatt-Brombeere / Moerlenbach Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus juchhoeh \ Juchhöh-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Juchhoeh Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus nord-weschnitztal \ Nord-Weschnitztäler Haselblatt-Brombeere / Northern Weschnitz-Valley Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus leuciscanus \ Plötzensee-Brombeere / Plötzensee Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus durospinosus \ Hartstachelige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Hard Spinous Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus curvaciculatus \ Krummnadelige Brombeere / Curved-Spined Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus orthostachyoides \ Geradachsenförmige Brombeere / Straight-Axis Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus hadracanthos \ Dickstachelige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Thick-Spined Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus franconicus \ Fränkische Haselblatt-Brombeere / Franconian Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus servaticus \ Dickicht-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Thicket Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus fuernrohrii \ Fürnrohrs Haselblatt-Brombeere / Fuernrohr's Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus parahebecarpus \ Rheinländische Haselblatt-Brombeere, Verwechselte Haselblatt-Brombeere / Rheinland Bramble |
| Rubus grandiflorus | | D
Rubus dichtstachelig \ Dichtstachelige Haselblatt-Brombeere / Dense-Spined Hazel-Leaf Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus zollvereinensis \ Zollverein-Haselblatt-Brombeere / Zollverein Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus pruinosus \ Bereifte Haselblatt-Brombeere / Pruinose Bramble |
| | | D
Rubus caesius \ Kratzbeere / Dewberry |
| | | D
Rubus spec1 \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec2 \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec3 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec4 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec5 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec6 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec7 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec8 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus spec9 \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specA \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specB \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specC \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specD \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specE \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specF \ Haselblatt-Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specG \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specH \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specI \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specJ \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specK \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus specL \ Brombeere / Bramble ? |
| | | D
Rubus x pseudidaeus \ Bastard-Himbeere / Hybrid Bramble |
| Rubus caesius x idaeus, Rubus x idaeoides | | D
Aremonia agrimonoides \ Nelkenwurz-Odermennig / Bastard Agrimony |
| | | GR
Agrimonia \ Odermennig / Agrimony (2 Taxa) |
| | | |
Sanguisorba \ Wiesenknopf / Burnet (4 Taxa) |
| | | |
Sarcopoterium spinosum \ Dornige Bibernelle, Dornige Becherblume / Thorny Burnet |
| Poterium spinosum | | Chi
Rosa \ Rose / Rose (36 Taxa) |
| | | |
Potentilla \ Fingerkraut / Cinquefoil (47 Taxa) |
| | | |
Fragaria \ Erdbeere / Strawberry (5 Taxa) |
| | | |
Alchemilla \ Frauenmantel / Lady's Mantle (22 Taxa) |
| | | |
Aphanes \ Ackerfrauenmantel / Parsley Piert (2 Taxa) |
| | | |
Sibbaldia procumbens \ Alpen-Gelbling / Creeping Sibbaldia |
| | | D
Subfam. Amygdaloideae
Physocarpus opulifolius \ Schneeballblättrige Blasenspiere / Common Ninebark |
| | | D
Rhodotypos scandens \ Schnee-Kerrie / Jetbead |
| | | D
Kerria japonica \ Ranunkelstrauch, Goldröschen / Kerrie |
| | | D
Prunus \ Steinobst / Drupes (22 Taxa) |
| | | |
Sorbaria sorbifolia \ Sibirische Fiederspeere / Ural False Spiraea |
| | | D
Spiraea \ Spierstrauch / Meadowsweet (8 Taxa) |
| | | |
Sibiraea altaiensis subsp. croatica \ Kroatische Blau-Spiere / Croatian Sibirea |
| | | HR
Aruncus dioicus \ Wald-Geißbart / Goat's Beard |
| Spiraea aruncus, Aruncus sylvester, Aruncus vulgaris | | A
Pyracantha coccinea agg. \ Feuerdorn / Firethorn |
| | | D
Mespilus germanica \ Echte Mispel / Medlar |
| | | D
Crataegus \ Weißdorn / Hawthorn (14 Taxa) |
| | | |
Amelanchier \ Felsenbirne / Service Berry (3 Taxa) |
| | | |
Pyrus \ Birne / Pear (4 Taxa) |
| | | |
Sorbus \ Mehlbeere / Whitebeam,Ash (57 Taxa) |
| | | |
Rhaphiolepis bibas \ Japanische Wollmispel / Loquat |
| Eriobotrya japonica | | I
Cotoneaster \ Zwergmispel / Cotoneaster (10 Taxa) |
| | | |
Cydonia oblonga \ Quitte / Quince |
| | | D
Malus \ Apfel / Apple (3 Taxa) |
| | | |