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Photos of European Plants acc. to the Flower Anatomy:   flower head of many blooms of one type
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Composites (Asteraceae) usually have a flower head composed from many single flowers, these can either consist of disk flowers or of ray flowers or of both kinds of flowers. On this page the Composites appear, which consist of only one kind of flowers.
Moreover there are some species of the Bell Flower Fam. (Campanulaceae) and Teasel Fam. (Dipsacaceae) on the page which have also a flower head consisting from several flowers of same kind.

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Achillea maritima / Cottonweed, Coastal Lavender Cotton Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor GR Rho
Achyrophorus valdesii / Mediterranean Cat's-Ear Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Chi F GR HR Rho
Adenostyles / Adenostyles (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F HR SLO
Aetheorhiza / Sow-Thistle (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Mal Rho
Ageratina adenophora / Crofton Weed, Sticky Snakeroot Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Pal
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly Everlasting Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Andryala / Andryala (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor E F Gom
Anthemis / Chamomile (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. GR Kre Les Rho Sam
Aposeris foetida / Odorous Pig Salad Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D HR
Arctium / Burdock (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F S
Arnoseris minima / Lamb Succory, Dwarf Nipplewort Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Artemisia / Wormwood,Mugwort (23) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A Cor D DK E F GR HR I Mal NL Rho S
Asteraceae / Composite (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A GR I
Atractylis / Cnicus,Thistle (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E GR Kre
Baccharis halimifolia / Eastern Baccharius, Eastern False Willow Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F
Berardia lanuginosa / Berardia Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F
Bidens / Beggartick,Marigold (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F GR HR I S
Bombycilaena erecta / Micropus Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F Mal
Carduus / Thistle (20) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A And Cor D E F GR HR I Kre Les Mal Rho SLO Sam
Carthamus / Safflower,Thistle (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E F S
Centaurea / Knapweed,Star Thistle (60) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A Chi Cor D E F GB GR HR I Kre Les Mal Rho S SLO Sam Sar Siz Tun Zyp
Cephalaria / Scabiosa (2) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. A D E F GR HR
Chamaemelum nobile / Chamomile Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F
Chiliadenus glutinosus / Rock Tea Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E
Chondrilla / Skeletonweed (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E F GR I
Cirsium / Thistle (20) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A And D E F GR HR I IRL NL S SLO
Cotula / Brassbuttons,Waterbuttons (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor D GR I NL
Crepis / Hawk's-Beard (34) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A Cor D E F GR HR I Kre Les Mal Rho Sam Siz
Crupina / Crupina (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor F GR HR I Les
Cynara / Cardoon (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam.
Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus / Globe Artichoke, Cardoon Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Chi GR
Cynara cardunculus var. sylvestris / Cardoon Asteraceae / Composite Fam. GR I
Cynara cornigera / Artichoke Thistle, Wild Artichoke Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Kre
Delairea odorata / Cape Ivy Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E
Dipsacus / Teasel (4) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. D E
Echinops / Globe Thistle (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D E F GR HR
Erechtites hieraciifolius / American Burnweed, Fireweed Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Erigeron / Fleabane (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F GR I
Eupatorium cannabinum / Hemp Agrimony Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E HR IRL NL
Filago / Cudweed,Cottonrose (9) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor D F GR HR I Kre Mal Rho S
Galatella linosyris / Goldilocks Aster Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D E F
Globularia / Senna (5) Plantaginaceae / Plantain Fam. A Cor D E F GR HR I Kre Mal Siz
Gnaphalium / Cudweed (6) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D E F I S
Helichrysum / Everlasting Daisy,Strawflower (7) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor D E F GR HR I Les Mal NL PL Rho S Sam
Hieracium / Hawkweed (65) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH Cor D DK E F GR HR I Les S
Homogyne / Colt's-Foot (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A F HR I
Hyoseris / Hyoseris (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor F GR Mal Rho
Hypochaeris / Cat's-Ear (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor D F IRL
Jasione / Sheep's Bit (2) Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. Cor D E F GB IRL S
Jurinea / Jurinea (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D GR Sam
Kleinia neriifolia / Canary Island Candle Plant Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Gom Pal Ten
Knautia / Scabious,Widow Flower (12) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. A Cor D E F GR HR I Kre PL SLO
Lactuca / Lettuce (6) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E F GR HR I S
Lapsana / Nipplewort (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F
Launaea / Lettuce (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Gom Mal
Leontodon / Hawkbit (9) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A Chi D E F GR HR I IRL Kre Rho Sam
Lomelosia / Scabious (4) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. D F GR HR Kre Les Rho Sam
Mantisalca salmantica / Salamanca Knapweed Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E F
Matricaria / Mayweed (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D GR
Mycelis muralis / Wall Lettuce Asteraceae / Composite Fam. CH D F HR
Notobasis syriaca / Syrian Thistle Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Chi GR Rho Sam
Onopordum / Cotton Thistle (6) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F GR Les Rho
Orlaya grandiflora / Large-Flowered Orlaya Apiaceae / Umbellifers A D F HR I
Pentanema / Fleabane (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F GR HR
Petasites / Butterbur (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F HR I
Phagnalon / Phagnalon (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Chi Cor F GR I Kre Les Mal Rho
Physoplexis comosa / Devil's-Claw Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. I
Phyteuma / Rampion (15) Campanulaceae / Bellflower Fam. A D F HR I SLO
Picnomon acarna / Soldier Thistle Asteraceae / Composite Fam. GR Rho Sam
Picris / Ox-Tongue (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D E F HR I NL
Prenanthes purpurea / Purple Lettuce Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D HR SLO
Pterocephalus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus / Multi-Flowered Scabious Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. Zyp
Ptilostemon / Chamaepuce (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D GR Sam Siz
Reichardia / Reichardia (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F GR HR I Kre Les Mal
Rhagadiolus stellatus / Star Hawk-Bit Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Les Mal Rho
Rhaponticum / Knapweed,Thistle (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E F I
Santolina villosa / Pubescent Cotton Lavender Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E
Saussurea / Saw Wort,Saussurea (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A
Scabiosa / Scabious (12) Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. A D E F GR HR I NL SLO Zyp
Scolymus maculatus / Spotted Golden Thistle Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E Siz Zyp
Scorzonera / Viper's Grass (15) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F GR HR I Kre Rho SLO Sam Siz
Scorzoneroides / Hawkbit (5) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A CH D F HR IRL SLO
Senecio / Ragwort,Groundsel (4) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D E F HR I Rho S
Serratula tinctoria / Saw Wort Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D E HR I S
Shinnersia rivularis / Mexican Oakleaf, Rio Grande Bugheal Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A
Silybum marianum / Milk Thistle Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D F HR I Rho Ten
Solidago / Goldenrod (3) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. D
Sonchus / Sow-Thistle (12) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D DK F GR Gom HR I IRL Kre Les Mal NL Pal Rho S Sam Ten
Staehelina / Staehelina,Gorge Laurel (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. E F I Kre
Succisa pratensis / Devil's-bit Scabious Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. A D F IRL S
Succisella inflexa / Southern Succisella Caprifoliaceae / Honeysuckle Fam. D SLO
Tanacetum / Feverfew,Tansy (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D S
Taraxacum / Dandelion (72) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A And Cor D F GR HR I Mal NL
Tephroseris helenitis var. discoidea / Swiss Ragwort Asteraceae / Composite Fam. F
Tolpis / Umbrella Milkwort (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor D E F Les
Tordylium apulum / Mediterranean Hartwort Apiaceae / Umbellifers Chi GR Kre Les Rho Sam
Trommsdorffia / Cat's-Ear (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A D F HR I
Urospermum / Sheep's Beard,Goldenfleece (2) Asteraceae / Composite Fam. Cor F GR I Les Mal Rho
Willemetia stipitata / Willemetia Asteraceae / Composite Fam. A
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